android - CWNAN0020W 套接字 4 上的套接字错误,对等地址 <IP 地址> :57710; ending connection

标签 android notifications push mqtt broker

我已经为 Really Small 消息代理 (RSMB MQTT) 安装了 php SAM 库。我正在尝试连接 Android Push Demo,但出现以下错误

[root@user linux_ia64]# tail -f nohup.out
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN9997I Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN9996I Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2010 All Rights Reserved
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN9995I US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN0053I Version 1.2.0, Aug 18 2010 17:02:09
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN0054I Features included: bridge
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN9993I Author: Ian Craggs (
20120501 120111.226 CWNAN0014I MQTT protocol starting, listening on port 1883

20120501 120126.609 CWNAN0020W Socket error on socket 4, peer address ipaddress:34861; ending connection



您在哪里运行 PHP 服务器?有没有可能是您与 MQTT 代理之间的连接有问题?

SAM PHP 库很旧,目前没有维护,因此您可能想看看其他 PHP MQTT 选项之一,例如 phpMQTT。

关于android - CWNAN0020W 套接字 4 上的套接字错误,对等地址 <IP 地址> :57710; ending connection,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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