iphone - 我如何将 CoreText 框架导入 xcode 3.1.4

标签 iphone ios xcode

我正在使用 xcode 3.1.4,我想使用 CoreText 框架,我该怎么做。 我尝试导入 applicationServices 框架,但代码没有运行


CoreText.framework 是在 iPhone SDK 3.2 中添加的

Core Text is an advanced, low-level technology for laying out text and handling fonts. It is designed for high performance and ease of use. The Core Text API, introduced in Mac OS X v10.5, is accessible from all Mac OS X application environments. It is also available in iOS 3.2.


关于iphone - 我如何将 CoreText 框架导入 xcode 3.1.4,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8044883/


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