iphone - iOS5 通知下拉菜单 : is there a way to know when the user presses the clear button on my apps notification on the iPhone?

标签 iphone ios ios5 uilocalnotification

当用户从“通知”下拉菜单中清除我的应用程序通知时,是否有委托(delegate)方法或某种方式来获取事件? UIApplication 委托(delegate)

-(void)application:(UIApplication)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification




关于iphone - iOS5 通知下拉菜单 : is there a way to know when the user presses the clear button on my apps notification on the iPhone?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8584092/


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