python - 使用 Python 将文本文件中的复数转换为单数

标签 python text stemming plural singular

我有这样的 txt 文件:

word, 23
Words, 2
test, 1
tests, 4


word, 23
word, 2
test, 1
test, 4

我希望能够在 Python 中获取一个 txt 文件并将复数单词转换为单数。这是我的代码:

import nltk

f = raw_input("Please enter a filename: ")

def openfile(f):
    with open(f,'r') as a:
       a =
       a = a.lower()
       return a

def stem(a):
    p = nltk.PorterStemmer()
    [p.stem(word) for word in a]
    return a

def returnfile(f, a):
    with open(f,'w') as d:
        d = d.write(a)

print openfile(f)
print stem(openfile(f))
print returnfile(f, stem(openfile(f)))

我还尝试了这两个定义而不是 stem 定义:

def singular(a):
    for line in a:
        line = line[0]
        line = str(line)
        stemmer = nltk.PorterStemmer()
        line = stemmer.stem(line)
        return line

def stem(a):
    for word in a:
        for suffix in ['s']:
            if word.endswith(suffix):
                return word[:-len(suffix)]
            return word

之后,我想采用重复的单词(例如 testtest)并通过将它们旁边的数字相加来合并它们。例如:

word, 25
test, 5



如果你有复杂的单词要单数化,我不建议你使用词干提取,而是使用合适的 python 包链接 pattern :

from pattern.text.en import singularize

plurals = ['caresses', 'flies', 'dies', 'mules', 'geese', 'mice', 'bars', 'foos',
           'families', 'dogs', 'child', 'wolves']

singles = [singularize(plural) for plural in plurals]


>>> ['caress', 'fly', 'dy', 'mule', 'goose', 'mouse', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo', 'family', 'family', 'dog', 'dog', 'child', 'wolf']

它并不完美,但它是我发现的最好的。 96% 基于文档:

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