ios - 如何在加载时为 UITableView 中的行设置动画?

标签 ios animation uitableview uiviewanimation

我想将 UITableViewRowAnimation 与 :reloadData 结合使用。

在我使用该示例进行表加载之前(我在一些 ios 开发指南中发现):

for (NSDictionary *entry in [dl reverseObjectEnumerator]) {
        int insertIdx = 0;

        [_allEntries insertObject:entry atIndex:insertIdx];
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:insertIdx inSection:0]]




您应该看看 beginUpdatesendUpdates。在这两个命令中,您可以更新/删除/插入行并为您设置动画。它也比使用 reloadData 更有效率。



  • (void)beginUpdates

Call this method if you want subsequent insertions, deletion, and selection operations (for example, cellForRowAtIndexPath: and indexPathsForVisibleRows) to be animated simultaneously. This group of methods must conclude with an invocation of endUpdates. These method pairs can be nested. If you do not make the insertion, deletion, and selection calls inside this block, table attributes such as row count might become invalid. You should not call reloadData within the group; if you call this method within the group, you will need to perform any animations yourself.

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