objective-c - 苹果支持GDataXML吗

标签 objective-c ios cocoa-touch ipad xml-parsing

苹果支持 GDataXML 吗?我想写一个xml,但是NSXMLParser 不支持写xml。所以我想到了使用第三方库 GDataXML 但我的应用程序会因此而被拒绝吗?我在 iOS 6 上工作。有没有我可以用来编写 xml 而不会被拒绝的库?我用了thisthis供引用。


关于GDataXML GitHub page ,它是这样说的:

Currently, there is only my very own app Republizierer, which has yet to be submitted to the App Store. At this point in time, I can give you no guarantees that this library is safe to use in your iOS applications.


关于objective-c - 苹果支持GDataXML吗,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12792761/


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