ios - Iphone Xib内部结构

标签 ios xib

当我们看到xib文件的源代码时,有一些键值和关键字。任何人都知道这些关键字的含义以及我们如何知道我们在哪个地方使用哪个关键字。我知道内部发生的逻辑,但对关键字(xib 源代码中使用的关键字)没有足够的了解。如果有任何教程或文档可用,请在此处发布它会对我有所帮助。



Xib source code based on parents, child and sibling concept, it means it fully works on tree concept. 

<string key="className">RSViewController</string>
<string key="superclassName">UIViewController</string>
<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
<string key="majorKey">IBProjectSource</string>
<string key="minorKey">./Classes/RSViewController.h</string>

Class name :- Your current class name.
SuperclassName :- In which class your current class inherited.

Like that all keywords have its own value.

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