ios - 寻找仅用于直接上/下左/右方向的操纵杆

标签 ios sprite-kit joystick

我正在使用 SpriteKit 并且想知道是否有开源的 joystick 某处只允许在四个方向上移动

  • 向下
  • 向上

我知道应该有一些角度的解决方法。 我想知道这在技术上是否可行,并且只找到了允许圆圈旋转等的操纵杆,就像这样


enter image description here



我刚刚创建了一个类,它提供了您正在寻找的内容。我的 dpad 类可以设置任何你喜欢的方向。它继承自SKNode,使用起来非常简单。希望能帮到你。

编辑: 该类(class)不再受支持。随心所欲地使用它。

//  LESKSliderNode.swift
//  LESKClasses
//  Created by Cyrill Lippuner on 17.06.14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 legelite. All rights reserved.

import SpriteKit

class LESKSliderNode : SKNode
Defines the Size of the LESKSliderNode.
var size : CGSize = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
Defines the AnchorPoint of the LESKSliderNode.
//var anchorPoint : CGPoint = CGPoint(x:0.5,y:0.5)
Defines frameInParent with the position of the superclass and the size of the LESKSliderNode.
var frameInParent : CGRect
get {return CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x:self.position.x - 0.5 * self.size.width,y:self.position.y - 0.5 * self.size.height), size: self.size)}
    super.position = newValue.origin
    self.size = newValue.size
    //self.value = self.valueRange.startIndex + ((newPositionX + range.endIndex) / (range.endIndex - range.startIndex)) * (self.valueRange.endIndex - self.valueRange.startIndex)

Enables the LESKSliderNode to interactions.
var isEnabled : Bool = true
Displays whether a touch is in progress.
var isActive : Bool = false
Defines the space between the thumb and the edges of the scale.
var overlayThumb : Bool = false {didSet{calculateNewThumbRange()}}
Displays the value of thumb on the slider.
var value : Float
    return  self.valueRange.startIndex + ((thumbSprite.position.x + self.thumbRange.endIndex) / (self.thumbRange.endIndex - self.thumbRange.startIndex)) * (self.valueRange.endIndex - self.valueRange.startIndex)
    var val = newValue
    if newValue < self.valueRange.startIndex {val = self.valueRange.startIndex}
    else if newValue > self.valueRange.endIndex {val = self.valueRange.endIndex}
    let newPositionX = (val - self.valueRange.startIndex) * (self.thumbRange.endIndex - self.thumbRange.startIndex) / (self.valueRange.endIndex - self.valueRange.startIndex) - self.thumbRange.endIndex
    thumbSprite.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:thumbSprite.position.y)
    if self.thumbSpriteActive {self.thumbSpriteActive!.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:self.thumbSpriteActive!.position.y)}
Defines the range of the values.
var valueRange : Range<Float> = Range(start: 0.0, end: 1.0)
The range of the thumb's position.
var thumbRange : Range<Float> = Range(start: 0.0, end: 0.0)
The range of the thumb's position.
var thumbOffset : Float = 0.0
    self.thumbSprite.position = CGPoint(x:self.thumbSprite.position.x, y: self.thumbOffset)
    if self.thumbSpriteActive {self.thumbSpriteActive!.position = CGPoint(x:self.thumbSpriteActive!.position.x, y: self.thumbOffset)}

ScaleSprite is the scale for the LESKSliderNode.
let scaleSprite : SKSpriteNode
ThumbSprite is the thumb for the LESKSliderNode.
let thumbSprite : SKSpriteNode
ScaleSpriteActive is the active scale for the LESKSliderNode.
let scaleSpriteActive : SKSpriteNode?
ThumbSpriteActive is the active thumb for the LESKSliderNode.
let thumbSpriteActive : SKSpriteNode?

Description of the LESKSliderNode
override var description : String
    var string = "<LESKSliderNode> name: \( "
    string += "scaleSprite: [\(scaleSprite.description)] "
    string += "thumbSprites: [\(thumbSprite.description)] "
    string += "frame: \(self.frameInParent) rotation: \(self.zRotation) "
    string += "isEnabled: \(isEnabled) "
    if isEnabled {string += "isActive: \(isActive) overlayThumb: \(overlayThumb) range: \(valueRange) value: \(value)"}
    return string

typealias LESKSliderNodeCompletion = ((slider: LESKSliderNode, value: Float) -> ())
Closure, which is executed when a touch begins
var touchDown : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when the thumb is dragged
var touchMoved : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when a touch ends
var touchUp : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when a touch ends inside the frame of the LESKSliderNode
var touchUpInside : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when a touch is cancelled
var touchCancelled : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?

@param the string of the thumbSprite
@param the string of the scaleSprite
convenience init(thumbString: String, scaleString: String)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: thumbString), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: scaleString), thumbSpriteActive: nil, scaleSpriteActive: nil)

@param the string of the thumbSprite
@param the string of the scaleSprite
@param the string of the thumbSpriteActive
@param the string of the scaleSpriteActive
convenience init(thumbString: String, scaleString: String, thumbStringActive: String?, scaleStringActive: String?)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: thumbString), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: scaleString), thumbSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: thumbStringActive), scaleSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: scaleStringActive))

@param the texture of the thumbSprite
@param the texture of the scaleSprite
convenience init(thumbTexture: SKTexture, scaleTexture: SKTexture)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: thumbTexture), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: scaleTexture), thumbSpriteActive: nil, scaleSpriteActive: nil)

@param the texture of the thumbSprite
@param the texture of the scaleSprite
@param the texture of the thumbSpriteActive
@param the texture of the scaleSpriteActive
convenience init(thumbTexture: SKTexture, scaleTexture: SKTexture, thumbTextureActive: SKTexture?, scaleTextureActive: SKTexture?)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: thumbTexture), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: scaleTexture), thumbSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(texture: thumbTextureActive), scaleSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(texture: scaleTextureActive))

@param the sprite of the thumbSprite
@param the sprite of the scaleSprite
convenience init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode, scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode)
    self.init(thumbSprite: thumbSprite, scaleSprite: scaleSprite)

@param the sprite of the thumbSprite
@param the sprite of the scaleSprite
@param the sprite of the thumbSpriteActive
@param the sprite of the scaleSpriteActive
init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode, scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode, thumbSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode?, scaleSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode?)
    self.thumbSprite = thumbSprite
    self.scaleSprite = scaleSprite
    self.thumbSpriteActive = thumbSpriteActive
    self.scaleSpriteActive = scaleSpriteActive
    self.userInteractionEnabled = true
    if self.scaleSpriteActive?
        self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
    if self.thumbSpriteActive?
        self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = true
    self.size = scaleSprite.size

override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        isActive = true
        if self.scaleSpriteActive?
            self.scaleSprite.hidden = true
            self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = false
        if self.thumbSpriteActive?
            self.thumbSprite.hidden = true
            self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = false
        moveThumbToValueAccordingToTouch(touches.anyObject() as UITouch)
        if touchDown? {touchDown!(slider: self, value: self.value)}

override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        let touchPosition = (touches.anyObject() as UITouch).locationInNode(self.parent)
        if CGRectContainsPoint(self.frameInParent, touchPosition)
            if self.scaleSpriteActive?
                self.scaleSprite.hidden = true
                self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = false
            if self.scaleSpriteActive?
                self.scaleSprite.hidden = false
                self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        moveThumbToValueAccordingToTouch(touches.anyObject() as UITouch)
        if touchMoved? {touchMoved!(slider: self, value: self.value)}

override func touchesEnded(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        isActive = false
        if self.scaleSpriteActive?
            self.scaleSprite.hidden = false
            self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if self.thumbSpriteActive?
            self.thumbSprite.hidden = false
            self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if touchUp? {touchUp!(slider: self, value: self.value)}
        let touchPosition = (touches.anyObject() as UITouch).locationInNode(self.parent)
        if CGRectContainsPoint(self.frameInParent, touchPosition) {if touchUpInside? {touchUpInside!(slider: self, value: self.value)}}

override func touchesCancelled(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        isActive = false
        if self.scaleSpriteActive?
            self.scaleSprite.hidden = false
            self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if self.thumbSpriteActive?
            self.thumbSprite.hidden = false
            self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if touchCancelled? {touchCancelled!(slider: self, value: self.value)}

func moveThumbToValueAccordingToTouch(touch: UITouch)
    let touchPosition = touch.locationInNode(self)
    var newPositionX = touchPosition.x
    if newPositionX < self.thumbRange.startIndex {newPositionX = self.thumbRange.startIndex}
    else if newPositionX > self.thumbRange.endIndex {newPositionX = self.thumbRange.endIndex}
    self.thumbSprite.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:self.thumbSprite.position.y)
    if self.thumbSpriteActive {self.thumbSpriteActive!.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:self.thumbSpriteActive!.position.y)}

func calculateNewThumbRange()
    self.thumbRange = (self.overlayThumb) ? Range(start: -scaleSprite.size.width/2, end: scaleSprite.size.width/2) : Range(start: -(scaleSprite.size.width / 2 - thumbSprite.size.width / 2), end: scaleSprite.size.width / 2 - thumbSprite.size.width / 2)

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