ios - 如何将 RTCI420Frame 对象转换为纹理?

标签 ios objective-c ios8 webrtc

我有一个 webrtc应用程序,但我想更好地控制视频 View 。所以我正忙于实现我自己的渲染器。我到了通过这个回调开始接收帧的地步:

renderer:(RTCVideoRenderer *)renderer didReceiveFrame:(RTCI420Frame *)frame

它传递一个 RTCI420Frame 作为参数。我需要以某种方式将 frame 中的图像数据转换为纹理。我不知道怎么办。我认为使用 GLKTextureLoader 是不可能的(直到现在我一直使用它从磁盘加载纹理)。

如何从 frame 中获取图像数据并从中创建纹理?


Here is my current class处理我的应用程序中与 WebRTC 相关的所有内容。

这些类是 iOS 上原生 WebRTC 的起点。只需在 BWRTCViewController 上扩展一个 View Controller 并设置一个委托(delegate)。现在您可以立即开始测试,而不必担心自己实现整个调用序列。您只需担心信号。

// your call view controller .h
#import <BWRTCViewController.h>

@interface CallViewController : BWRTCViewController <BWRTCViewControllerDelegate>

// your call view controller .m
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    if (/*this is the caller*/) {
        [super callerSequence];

        // wait until callee is ready to receive your offer, then call:
        [super startNegotiating];
    } else {
        /*callee side doesn't have to do a thing*/

// received a remote sdp
- (void)receivedSdp {
    [super receivedSessionDescription:/*your sdp description*/
                             withType:/*your sdp type*/];

// received a remote ice candidate
- (void)receivedIce {
    [super receivedIceCandidate:/*your ice candidate*/
                         sdpMid:/*your ice sdpMid*/
                  sdpMLineIndex:/*your ice sdpMLineIndex*/];

// got a local sdp
- (void) sendSessionDescription:(NSString *)sessionDescription_
                       withType:(NSString *)type_ {
    // use your signaling interface to send the sdp to the remote peer

// got a local ice candidate
- (void) sendICECandidate:(NSString *)candidate_
                   sdpMid:(NSString *)sdpMid_
            sdpMLineIndex:(NSInteger)sdpMLineIndex_ {
    // use your signaling interface to send the ice to the remote peer

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