iOS 10 错误多次记录导致应用程序挂起

标签 ios objective-c iphone mpmusicplayercontroller ios10

我已经在应用程序商店中有一个音乐流媒体应用程序。 现在我正在通过 Xcode 8.0 beta 在 iOS 10 上测试我的应用程序。

我的应用程序在多个地方持续挂起几秒钟。首先是当启动应用程序本身时,我看到黑屏几秒钟。然后,当启动任何 View Controller 时,也会发生同样的情况。当关闭 View Controller 时,也会发生同样的情况。


2016-06-15 21:05:38.407727 APPNAME[1623:409190] [SDKPlayback] MPMusicPlayer: Unable to launch iPod music player server: security policy error
2016-06-15 21:05:38.920961 APPNAME[1623:409190] [SDKPlayback] MPMusicPlayer: Unable to launch iPod music player server: security policy error
2016-06-15 21:05:39.437162 APPNAME[1623:409190] [SDKPlayback] MPMusicPlayer: Unable to launch iPod music player server: security policy error
2016-06-15 21:05:39.950330 APPNAME[1623:409190] [SDKPlayback] MPMusicPlayer: Unable to launch iPod music player server: security policy error



在没有首先检查 MPMusicPlayerController 实例是否准备好播放的情况下调用该实例上的操作将导致所描述的行为(安全警告并且应用程序将挂起)。以下代码在模拟器上运行时不检查 mediaPlayer.isPreparedToPlay 将复制该行为:

MPMusicPlayerController *mediaPlayer = [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer];
if (mediaPlayer.isPreparedToPlay) {
  mediaPlayer.repeatMode = MPMusicRepeatModeAll;
  mediaPlayer.shuffleMode = MPMusicShuffleModeSongs;


let mediaPlayer = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer()
if mediaPlayer.isPreparedToPlay {
  mediaPlayer.repeatMode = MPMusicRepeatMode.All
  mediaPlayer.shuffleMode = MPMusicShuffleMode.Songs

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