ios - 如何在导航 Controller iOS 10 中正确覆盖 supportedInterfaceOrientations?

标签 ios

我正在子类化 UINavigationController 并覆盖 supportedInterfaceOrientations 方法。在该方法中,我委托(delegate)给 visibleViewController.supportedInterfaceOrientations
但是,当我以模态方式呈现 UIImagePickerController 时,visibleViewController 为 nil .
iOS 10 中发生了一些变化,导致 visibleViewController 返回 nil。
如果我更改代码以使用 presentedViewController,它会正确返回 UIImagePickerController



听起来你可以使用 setOverrideTraitCollection(_:forChildViewController:) — — (我想你可以用 UIImagePickerController 实现类似的东西):

func setOverrideTraitCollection(_ collection: UITraitCollection?, 
     forChildViewController childViewController: UIViewController)

Normally, traits are passed unmodified from the parent view controller to its child view controllers. When implementing a custom container view controller, you can use this method to change the traits of any embedded child view controllers to something more appropriate for your layout. Making such a change alters other view controller behaviors associated with that child. For example, modal presentations behave differently in a horizontally compact versus horizontally regular environment. You might also make such a change to force the same set of traits on the child view controller regardless of the actual trait environment.

↪︎ Video Presentation from WWDC 2016 : Making Apps Adaptive, Part 1 and 2

Apple 有 recommended使用较新的 API UITraitCollection UITraitEnvironment在尝试适应 supportedInterfaceOrientations 前进...

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