ios - 动态添加新的语言字符串文件以在 iOS 中进行本地化

标签 ios xcode localization internationalization mainbundle

方法 我已经使用字符串文件实现了本地化,如下所示: enter image description here enter image description here




您可以自己创建适当的包目录和字符串文件,并使用较长版本的 NSLocalizedString。

approach is described here亚历杭德罗·马丁内斯:

// The two important new parameters are `tableName` and `bundle`. 
// By default when using NSLocalizedString the system uses the App 
// main bundle and the Localizable table, *table* meaning the name 
// of the strings file. So to hook into the localization system we 
// just need to convert the object structure that we have in memory 
// to the proper file hierarchy that is expected on disk.
NSLocalizedString(_ key: String, tableName: String? = default, 
  bundle: Bundle = default, value: String = default, comment: String)
  -> String

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