ios - 无法在 objective-c AppDelegate.h 中导入 FirebaseMessaging

标签 ios objective-c firebase push-notification firebase-authentication

当我写@import FirebaseMessaging; 时,它说 -


我做了什么 - 起初我只安装了 Firebase/Core 的 pod,但后来我意识到 Firebase/Messaging 也是必要的. 然后我在 pod 文件中写入 pod 'Firebase/Messaging' 并再次安装 pod。

pod 文件夹包含作为 Firebase Messaging 的文件夹,但是当我导入它时它说找不到模块。 Here is the screenshot of the error


根据documentation,您不需要在最新的Firebase SDK 中单独导入FirebaseMessaging :

You'll need to add Firebase initialization code to your application. Import the Firebase module and configure a shared instance as shown:

  1. Import the Firebase module in your UIApplicationDelegate:
@import Firebase;
  1. Configure a FirebaseApp shared instance, typically in your application's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:
// Use Firebase library to configure APIs
[FIRApp configure];

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