ios - 如何从 libWebRTC.a 静态库中删除 x86_64 架构,同时在 iOS 中从该静态库构建 fat 库?

标签 ios architecture sdk frameworks webrtc

Shows this error while creating a fat library using libWebRTC.a static library

使用 libWebRTC.a 静态库创建 fat 库时显示此错误

到目前为止,我发现该架构适用于 Simulator 和 WebRTC。静态库在构建 fat 库时存在一些已知问题。


I faced this issue while I was creating a fat(Multiplatform) framework using libWebRTC.a static library. Having some research I found that its a know issue of webrtc library of architecture support for simulator.


//lipo <static library file name> -remove <arch_name> <Output file name>

lipo libWebRTC.a  -remove x86_64 -output libWebRTC_arm7.a



关于ios - 如何从 libWebRTC.a 静态库中删除 x86_64 架构,同时在 iOS 中从该静态库构建 fat 库?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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