ios - 如何让 UITextField 先全选然后以编程方式编辑?

标签 ios objective-c uitextfield uitextfielddelegate

我有一个 UITextField。第一次单击时,我想以编程方式全选 文本。所以我在 textFieldDidBeginEditing: 委托(delegate)方法中调用了 [textField selectAll:nil]。当我进行下一次点击时,我希望它成为正常的编辑模式。如何以编程方式实现这一点?




要允许第一次点击始终选择所有文本,并让第二次点击取消选择,请将当前代码保留在 textFieldDidBeginEditing 方法中,并扩展 UITextField 以覆盖canPerformAction:withSender:,以防止弹出窗口出现,如下所示:

UITextField 子类

- (BOOL) canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender {
    /* Prevent action popovers from showing up */

    if (action == @selector(paste:)
        || action == @selector(cut:)
        || action == @selector(copy:)
        || action == @selector(select:)
        || action == @selector(selectAll:)
        || action == @selector(delete:)
        || action == @selector(_define:)
        || action == @selector(_promptForReplace:)
        || action == @selector(_share:) )
        //Get the current selection range
        UITextRange *selectedRange = [self selectedTextRange];

        //Range with cursor at the end, and selecting nothing
        UITextRange *newRange = [self textRangeFromPosition:selectedRange.end toPosition:selectedRange.end];

        //Set the new range
        [self setSelectedTextRange:newRange];

        return NO;
    } else {
        //Handle other actions?

    return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];

UITextFieldDelegate 方法

//Select the text when text field receives focus
- (void) textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
    [textField selectAll:nil];

//Hide the keyboard when the keyboard "Done" button is pressed
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
    [textField resignFirstResponder];

    return TRUE;


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