java - boolean 数据类型如何在 Java 内部工作?

标签 java boolean


当您将值“true”分配给 Java 中的 boolean 数据类型(例如 boolean variableName = true;)时,实际分配给该变量的值是什么?


Java Virtual Machine Specification section 2.3.4 中的状态:

Although the Java Virtual Machine defines a boolean type, it only provides very limited support for it. There are no Java Virtual Machine instructions solely dedicated to operations on boolean values. Instead, expressions in the Java programming language that operate on boolean values are compiled to use values of the Java Virtual Machine int data type.

. . .

The Java Virtual Machine encodes boolean array components using 1 to represent true and 0 to represent false. Where Java programming language boolean values are mapped by compilers to values of Java Virtual Machine type int, the compilers must use the same encoding.

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