java - 如何使用 JIRA REST Java 客户端创建子任务

标签 java api jira

有没有办法使用 JRJC v1.0 创建子任务?我一直找不到关于此的任何好的文档。那里有示例代码吗?

它似乎不受库支持,但可以直接使用 REST API。

JIRA v5.1.5



    IssueInputBuilder issueBuilder = new IssueInputBuilder("Project1", 5L);//5 is the id for subtask type. You can know the id of subtask type by querying this REST api /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta
    issueBuilder.setDescription(">> Test Description");
    issueBuilder.setSummary("Test summary");
    Map<String, Object> parent = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    parent.put("key", "SOMEISSUE-234");
    FieldInput parentField = new FieldInput("parent", new ComplexIssueInputFieldValue(parent));

    Map<String, Object> customField = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    customField.put("value", "someValue");//This is some custom field value on the subtask
    customField.put("id", "12345");//This is the id of the custom field. You can know this by calling REST GET for a manually created sub-task

    issueBuilder.setFieldValue("customfield_12345",  new ComplexIssueInputFieldValue(customField));//here again you have to query an existing subtask to know the "customfield_*" value issueInput =;
    BasicIssue bIssue = restClient.getIssueClient().createIssue(issueInput, pm);    
    System.out.println(">>> " + bIssue.getKey());

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