java - 在子类中抛出错误、异常和运行时异常

标签 java


例如在下面的场景中,当我从 throws 子句中删除“Exception”时,它编译正常。

class Supertest {

    public void amethod(int i, String s) {



public class test extends Supertest {

    public void amethod(int i, String s) throws Error, Exception {




Error 是未经检查的异常。 Exceptionchecked exception .就这么简单。所以有这样的代码应该是合理的:

Supertest x = new test();
x.amethod(10, "foo");

... 但是 test.amethod() 试图对调用者强加一个已检查的异常,以便调用者必须捕获它或传播它。由于它覆盖的方法未声明该异常,因此覆盖方法也不能。

如评论中所述,从根本上说,您不能用“限制性更强”的方法覆盖一种方法 - 对原始方法的任何调用都必须对覆盖有效。

来自 section JLS 的:

More precisely, suppose that B is a class or interface, and A is a superclass or superinterface of B, and a method declaration n in B overrides or hides a method declaration m in A. Then:

  • If n has a throws clause that mentions any checked exception types, then m must have a throws clause, or a compile-time error occurs.
  • For every checked exception type listed in the throws clause of n, that same exception class or one of its supertypes must occur in the erasure (§4.6) of the throws clause of m; otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.

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