Java STM : Questions on Multiverse STM

标签 java concurrency akka stm

我正在对 JVM 上的 STM 技术进行一些研究。阅读了一些文档后,我对 Multiverse 的实现有些困惑。

根据 the Multiverse FAQ , Multiverse 不支持检测。然而,在其创始人 Peter Veentjer 的采访中,他有以下说法:

One of the mission statements of Multiverse is to provide an STM implementation that can easily be integrated with other languages, so the actual STM implementation only cares about interfaces, so you can bypass instrumentation completely. And to make it even more easy, I provided a managed reference that doesn't rely on instrumentation. This is the approach being used in the Scala based Akka project of Jonas Boner.


最后,我一直在阅读另一份文件 here在 ScalaSTM 上,这清楚地暗示 Multiverse 使用字节码检测。

因此,我想知道是否有人可以告诉我一些有关 Multiverse 实际工作原理的信息。 是类似于ScalaSTM的运行时库,还是使用了instrumentation?


通过上面来自 Viktor 的 GitHub 链接回答

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