java - 从 jena QuerySolution 到 Model tdb rdf

标签 java rdf jena dbpedia

我使用 dbpedia 获取一些特定的结果,我想将它们存储在本地 tdb 中。但我找不到将结果添加到本地 tdb 的方法。

package festifolk.tdb;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.*;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.StrUtils;

public class Remote {

    public static ResultSet[] Query() {
        /* Remote location of the Data set used in building our tdb */
        String service = "";

        /* Declaration of the SPARQL prefixes used */
        String owl = "PREFIX owl: <>";
        String xsd = "PREFIX xsd: <>";
        String rdfs = "PREFIX rdfs: <>";
        String rdf = "PREFIX rdf: <>";
        String foaf = "PREFIX foaf: <>";
        String dc = "PREFIX dc: <>";
        String res = "PREFIX res: <>";
        String ont = "PREFIX ont: <>";
        String dbpedia2 = "PREFIX dbpedia2: <>";
        String dbpedia = "PREFIX dbpedia: <>";
        String skos = "PREFIX skos: <>";

        String prefixes = owl + xsd + rdfs + rdf + foaf + dc + res + ont + dbpedia2
                + dbpedia + skos;

        String[] URI = {

        String query;
        QueryExecution queryExec;
        ResultSet[] results = new ResultSet[URI.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < URI.length; i++) {
            query = prefixes
                    + "SELECT * WHERE { "
                    + "?festival rdf:type " + URI[i] + ". "
                    + "?festival rdfs:label ?label. "
                    + "?festival ont:abstract ?abstract. "
                    + "OPTIONAL{?festival foaf:homepage ?homepage}. "
                    + "} ";

            /* execute the query and save the result */
            queryExec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(service, query);
            try {
                results[i] = queryExec.execSelect();
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {

        return results;

    public static void storeLocally(ResultSet[] results, Dataset dataset) {
        /* Open the provided dataset and begin the writing procedure */

        try {

            /* API Calls to a model in the dataset */
            Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel();

            /* ADD all the results to the database */
            for (ResultSet resultSet: results) {
                while (resultSet.hasNext()) {

            /* ... perform a SPARQL Update */
            GraphStore graphStore = GraphStoreFactory.create(dataset);
            String sparqlUpdateString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                    "PREFIX . <http://example/>",
                    "INSERT { :s :p ?now } WHERE { BIND(now() AS ?now) }");

            UpdateRequest request = UpdateFactory.create(sparqlUpdateString);
            UpdateProcessor proc = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(request, graphStore);

            /* Finally, commit the transaction */
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        } finally {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        /* Direct way: Make a TDB-backed dataset */
        String directory = "tdb";
        Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory);
        storeLocally(Query(), dataset);

上面的代码显示了我想做的事情,但显然它不起作用,因为不能将 QuerySolution 添加到模型中。


编辑:添加了完整的类(class)。问题是关于 storeLocally void 部分。


与其使用 SELECT 查询,不如使用 CONSTRUCT查询,CONSTRUCT 查询返回一个 RDF 图,因此在 Jena 中是 Model


然后要将其存储在本地,您可以根据需要简单地调用 dataset.setDefaultModel()dataset.addNamedModel() 将返回的模型添加到本地 TDB 数据集。

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