Java RS Rest API 方法成功返回值,状态码为 500,服务器日志中无异常

标签 java jakarta-ee glassfish

如标题所示,我正在运行 Java RS Rest API。成功调用的 GET 方法返回具有正确数据的对象。但是,返回值后出现错误,导致浏览器中显示 500 页面。

Get 方法如下所示:

public List<Verplaatsing> getAll(@QueryParam("start") String sD, @QueryParam("end") String eD, @QueryParam("auth") String authCode) {
    /* First check the auth code */
    /* First check the auth code */
    if (authCode == null || !authCode.equals(service.getAuthcode(rightAll))) {
        throw new WebApplicationException("Invalid or no auth key provided");

    List<Verplaatsing> verplaatsing = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
        Date start = dateFormat.parse(sD);
        Date end = dateFormat.parse(eD);
        verplaatsing = service.getAllVerplaatsing(start, end);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.EXPECTATION_FAILED);

    return verplaatsing;

REST 服务返回的 Verplaatsing 类如下所示:

@XmlRootElement(name = "verplaatsing")
@Entity (name = "VERPLAATSING")
public class Verplaatsing implements Serializable
    @ManyToOne @Id
    private Registratiekast registratiekast;

    private Date verplaatsingDatum;

    private double positie;
    private double snelheid;
    private String edge;
    private String lane;

    protected Verplaatsing()

    public Verplaatsing(Registratiekast registratiekast, Date date, double positie, double snelheid, String edge, String lane)`enter code here`
        this.registratiekast = registratiekast;
        this.verplaatsingDatum = date;
        this.positie = positie;
        this.snelheid = snelheid;
        this.edge = edge;
        this.lane = lane;

    public Date getVerplaatsingDatum()
        return verplaatsingDatum;

    public String getEdge()
        return edge;

    public String getLane()
        return lane;

    public double getPositie()
        return positie;

    public Registratiekast getRegistratiekast()
        return registratiekast;

    public double getSnelheid()
        return snelheid;

    public String toString() {
        return "verplaatsing [registratiekast=" + this.registratiekast + ", date=" + this.verplaatsingDatum + ", positie="
                + this.positie + ", snelheid=" + this.snelheid  + ", edge=" + this.edge + "]";

奇怪的是,在 GET 请求失败后没有日志项。这使得调试这个问题几乎不可能。我对代码所做的一个主要更改是将 Verplaatsing 类移动到另一个 .jar。但是,我无法想象这是导致此问题的原因。



public class VerplaastingREST {

    private static String rightAll = "all";
    private static String rightSingle = "single";

    VerplaatsingService service;

    public List<Verplaatsing> getAll(@QueryParam("start") String sD, @QueryParam("end") String eD, @QueryParam("auth") String authCode) {
        /* First check the auth code */
        /* First check the auth code */
        if (authCode == null || !authCode.equals(service.getAuthcode(rightAll))) {
            throw new WebApplicationException("Invalid or no auth key provided");

        List<Verplaatsing> verplaatsing = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
            Date start = dateFormat.parse(sD);
            Date end = dateFormat.parse(eD);
            verplaatsing = service.getAllVerplaatsing(start, end);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.EXPECTATION_FAILED);

        return verplaatsing;

    public List<Verplaatsing> getVerplaatsingen(@PathParam("text") String id, @QueryParam("start") String sD, @QueryParam("end") String eD, @QueryParam("auth") String authCode) {
        /* First check the auth code */
        if (authCode == null || (!authCode.equals(service.getAuthcode(rightAll)) && !authCode.equals(service.getAuthcode(rightSingle)))) {
            throw new WebApplicationException("Invalid or no auth key provided");

        List<Verplaatsing> verplaatsing = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
            Date start = dateFormat.parse(sD);
            Date end = dateFormat.parse(eD);
            verplaatsing = service.getAllVerplaatsing(id ,start, end);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.EXPECTATION_FAILED);

        return verplaatsing;



好的,我找到了解决方案。我手动将实体 .jar 中的所有实体添加到 Web 服务的 .class 列表中。在 文件中:


import com.s63c.verplaatsingdata.Registratiekast;
import com.s63c.verplaatsingdata.Verplaatsing;
import java.util.Set;

 * @author Koenkk
public class ApplicationConfig extends Application {

    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        Set<Class<?>> resources = new java.util.HashSet<>();
        return resources;

     * Do not modify addRestResourceClasses() method.
     * It is automatically populated with
     * all resources defined in the project.
     * If required, comment out calling this method in getClasses().
    private void addRestResourceClasses(Set<Class<?>> resources) {



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