java - 包含 .com、.org 的路径变量在 REST API 中被截断

标签 java rest path-variables

我遇到了一个奇怪的问题。 这是我的 REST API 映射

    value = { "/{email}" },
    method = RequestMethod.GET,
    params = "time")
public void getEmail(
    @PathVariable("email") final String sender,
    @RequestParam(value = "time", required = true) final long time) 

当我这样调用 API 时


我观察到 sender 包含 someone@someone 而不是


    value = { "/{email:.+}" },
    method = RequestMethod.GET,
    params = "time")
public void getEmail(
    @PathVariable("email") final String sender,
    @RequestParam(value = "time", required = true) final long time) 

我收到 406 错误。


    <property name="useSuffixPatternMatch" value="false" />

仍然没有帮助。 我做错了什么?


摘自 RequestMapping JavaDoc:

@PathVariable annotated parameters (Servlet-only) for access to URI template values (i.e. /hotels/{hotel}). Variable values will be converted to the declared method argument type. By default, the URI template will match against the regular expression [^.]* (i.e. any character other than period), but this can be changed by specifying another regular expression, like so: /hotels/{hotel:\d+}. Additionally, @PathVariable can be used on a Map to gain access to all URI template variables.


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