java - 100 次循环完成后,如何获得比较总数?

标签 java arrays loops unique

程序运行 100 次并打印出 140 个整数中的唯一元素。



public class UniqueElements {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        Set<Integer> uniqueKeys = new TreeSet<Integer>();
        //Use TreeSet to eliminate all duplicate integers in the array
        for (int runs = 0; runs <= 100; runs++) { //program loops 100 times
            for (int numbers = 1; numbers <= 140; numbers++) {
                //add 140 integers in array
                Random rand = new Random(System.nanoTime());
                //make the 140 integers random, including duplicates
            System.out.print("Unique Elements: " + uniqueKeys + "\n");
            //print unique elements in array


统计比较次数的一种方法是通过自己的Comparator<Integer>实例到 TreeSet 的构造函数而不是使用无参数构造函数(它依赖于 compareToInteger 方法)。

这样您将实现 compare方法自己,并且将能够在调用时增加计数。



Set<Integer> uniqueKeys = new TreeSet<Integer>(new MyComparator());


public class MyComparator implements Comparator<Integer>
    private int count = 0;

    public int compare (Integer a, Integer b)
        System.out.println(count); // instead of printing the counter each time
                                   // this method is called, you can print it
                                   // once at the end of your program

正如 David Wallace 所提到的,您可能应该修复您的随机数生成逻辑:

Random rand = new Random(); // use a single Random generator
int max = ...;
for (int numbers = 1; numbers <= 140; numbers++) {      
    uniqueKeys.add(rand.nextInt(max)); // use the same range for all 
                                       // the random generated numbers

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