java - 我应该使用 new BASE64Encoder() 还是 Base64.getEncoder() 在 java 中对图像进行编码?

标签 java image base64

在 Java 中,我们发现类 Base64BASE64Encoder 通过

对字节执行 Base64 编码



new BASE64Encoder().encode(someByteArray);




使用Base64.getEncoder()sun 软件包(其中 sun.misc.BASE64Encoder 所在)不受支持,不鼓励使用它们。

参见Why Developers Should Not Write Programs that Call 'sun' Packages :

The sun.* packages are not part of the supported, public interface.

A Java program that directly calls into sun.* packages is not guaranteed to work on all Java-compatible platforms. In fact, such a program is not guaranteed to work even in future versions on the same platform.

Eclipse 可能已经向您显示访问限制 错误以及这些包中的大多数类 won't be accessible from Java 9 on .

Performance-wise it also seems advisable to use the new implementation ,虽然我自己没有做过任何测试:

Everything is evident from the table: appalling performance of sun.misc classes, acceptable performance of Commons Codec classes and very good performance of both and MiG Base64 implementation. New Java 8 encoder/decoder is running faster than any other implementation (but you need Java 8...). javax.xml class turned out to be a hidden gem!

关于java - 我应该使用 new BASE64Encoder() 还是 Base64.getEncoder() 在 java 中对图像进行编码?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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