python - 如何为霍夫曼编码和解码创建一棵树?

标签 python tree encode huffman-code


不要介意打印语句 - 它们只是供我测试并查看我的函数运行时输出的内容。

对于第一个 for 循环,我从主 block 中用于测试的文本文件中获取了所有值和索引。

在第二个 for 循环中,我将所有内容都插入到优先级队列中。

我对下一步该去哪里一头雾水 - 我正在尝试制作节点,但我对如何取得进展感到困惑。有人可以告诉我我这样做是否正确吗?

def _create_code(self, frequencies):
    '''(HuffmanCoder, sequence(int)) -> NoneType
    iterate over index into the sequence keeping it 256 elements long, '''
    #fix docstring
    p = PriorityQueue()
    print frequencies

    index = 0 
    for value in frequencies:
        if value != 0:
            print value #priority
            print index #elm
            print '-----------'       
        index = index + 1

    for i in range(len(frequencies)):
        if frequencies[i] != 0:
            p.insert(i, frequencies[i])  
            print i,frequencies[i]
            if p.is_empty():
                a = p.get_min()
                b = p.get_min()
                n1 = self.HuffmanNode(None, None, a)
                n2 = self.HuffmanNode(None, None, b)
                print a, b, n1, n2
    while not p.is_empty():




HuffmanNode 来自这个嵌套类:

class HuffmanNode(object):

    def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, root=None):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.root = root


维基百科中的霍夫曼算法会准确地告诉您如何创建节点树,因此您的程序可以基于该算法或其他类似算法。这是一个带有注释的 Python 程序,显示了相应的维基百科算法步骤。测试数据为英文文本中字母出现的频率。


import queue

class HuffmanNode(object):
    def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, root=None):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.root = root     # Why?  Not needed for anything.
    def children(self):
        return((self.left, self.right))

freq = [
    (8.167, 'a'), (1.492, 'b'), (2.782, 'c'), (4.253, 'd'),
    (12.702, 'e'),(2.228, 'f'), (2.015, 'g'), (6.094, 'h'),
    (6.966, 'i'), (0.153, 'j'), (0.747, 'k'), (4.025, 'l'),
    (2.406, 'm'), (6.749, 'n'), (7.507, 'o'), (1.929, 'p'), 
    (0.095, 'q'), (5.987, 'r'), (6.327, 's'), (9.056, 't'), 
    (2.758, 'u'), (1.037, 'v'), (2.365, 'w'), (0.150, 'x'),
    (1.974, 'y'), (0.074, 'z') ]

def create_tree(frequencies):
    p = queue.PriorityQueue()
    for value in frequencies:    # 1. Create a leaf node for each symbol
        p.put(value)             #    and add it to the priority queue
    while p.qsize() > 1:         # 2. While there is more than one node
        l, r = p.get(), p.get()  # 2a. remove two highest nodes
        node = HuffmanNode(l, r) # 2b. create internal node with children
        p.put((l[0]+r[0], node)) # 2c. add new node to queue      
    return p.get()               # 3. tree is complete - return root node

node = create_tree(freq)

# Recursively walk the tree down to the leaves,
#   assigning a code value to each symbol
def walk_tree(node, prefix="", code={}):

code = walk_tree(node)
for i in sorted(freq, reverse=True):
    print(i[1], '{:6.2f}'.format(i[0]), code[i[1]])


e  12.70 100
t   9.06 000
a   8.17 1110
o   7.51 1101
i   6.97 1011
n   6.75 1010
s   6.33 0111
h   6.09 0110
r   5.99 0101
d   4.25 11111
l   4.03 11110
c   2.78 01001
u   2.76 01000
m   2.41 00111
w   2.37 00110
f   2.23 00100
g   2.02 110011
y   1.97 110010
p   1.93 110001
b   1.49 110000
v   1.04 001010
k   0.75 0010111
j   0.15 001011011
x   0.15 001011010
q   0.10 001011001
z   0.07 001011000

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