java - 使用 Spock 的 Groovy 模拟文件工厂

标签 java groovy mocking spock

我决定使用 File Factory 来模拟 File 对象的构造。

class FileClass {

  def basePath
  def listObjects = []

  def createFilePerObject() {
    listObjects.each {currentObject ->
      // Use some other libraries for mocking(cant run PowerMockito, Gareth Davis adviced me to use JMockit)

      // File currentFile = new File("${basePath.toString()}/${currentObject.objectName}")

      //File factory(The simplest of the solutions)...
      File currentFile = FileFactory.makeFile("${basePath.toString()}/${currentObject.objectName}")

      currentFile.write currentObject.objectContent   //Verify this behaviour!!


class SimpleObject {
  String objectName
  String objectContent

//Really simple
class FileFactory {
  def static makeFile(String pathFileName) {
    return new File(pathFileName);


class FileClassTest extends Specification {

  FileClass fileClass

  def "test simple object"() {

    def listObjects = []

    SimpleObject object1 = new SimpleObject(objectName: "First object", objectContent: "First object content")
    SimpleObject object2 = new SimpleObject(objectName: "Second object", objectContent: "Second object content")
    SimpleObject object3 = new SimpleObject(objectName: "Third object", objectContent: "Third object content")
    SimpleObject object4 = new SimpleObject(objectName: "Fourth object", objectContent: "Fourth object content")

    listObjects << object1
    listObjects << object2
    listObjects << object3
    listObjects << object4

    fileClass = new FileClass(listObjects: listObjects, basePath: ".")

    def mockFile = Mock(File)

    def mockFileFactory = new MockFor(FileFactory)
    mockFileFactory.demand.makeFile {mockFile}    //Return the mocked file...

    mockFileFactory.use {

    1 * mockFile.write(_)


问题是它因 NullPointerException 而失败!?


currentFile.write currentObject.objectContent   //Verify this behaviour!!

而且,经过验证,“当前文件”确实是测试中指定的模拟文件。 “currentObject.objectContent”不为空,“currentFile”不为空。

突然,它跳转到 这个方法:

protected Object invokeRaw(Object target, MethodInfo method, Object[] arguments) {
    if (method.isStub()) return null;

    try {
      return method.getReflection().invoke(target, arguments);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
      //Here it fails!
      runStatus = supervisor.error(new ErrorInfo(method, e.getTargetException()));
      return null;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      Error internalError =
          new InternalSpockError("Failed to invoke method '%s'", t).withArgs(method.getReflection().getName());
      runStatus = supervisor.error(new ErrorInfo(method, internalError));
      return null;

“InvocationTargetException 是一个已检查的异常,它包装了由调用的方法或构造函数抛出的异常。”。太好了。




Spock 目前不支持像 File.write() 这样由 Groovy 动态添加但不存在于类中的模拟方法。您可以改用 Groovy 的 MockFor 来解决这个问题,就像您对其他模拟所做的那样。

InvocationTargetException 是一个内部 Groovy 异常。它包装了您看到的 NullPointerException。 Spock 足够聪明,可以为您解包异常。

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