python - 在 Django/python 中,如何将内存缓存设置为无限时间?

标签 python django memcached

cache.set(key, value, 9999999)



def _get_memcache_timeout(self, timeout):
    Memcached deals with long (> 30 days) timeouts in a special
    way. Call this function to obtain a safe value for your timeout.
    timeout = timeout or self.default_timeout
    if timeout > 2592000: # 60*60*24*30, 30 days
        # See
        # "You can set expire times up to 30 days in the future. After that
        # memcached interprets it as a date, and will expire the item after
        # said date. This is a simple (but obscure) mechanic."
        # This means that we have to switch to absolute timestamps.
        timeout += int(time.time())
    return timeout

并且来自 FAQ :

What are the limits on setting expire time? (why is there a 30 day limit?)

You can set expire times up to 30 days in the future. After that memcached interprets it as a date, and will expire the item after said date. This is a simple (but obscure) mechanic.

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