java - 获取 BufferedReader 读取的文件中的偏移量?

标签 java io filesize bufferedreader

我正在逐行读取文件。该文件由 CipherOutputStream 编码,然后由 DeflaterOutputStream 压缩。该文件可以包含 UTF-8 字符,如俄语字母等。


            InputStream fis=tempURL.openStream();                       //in tempURL I've got an URL to download
            CipherInputStream cis=new CipherInputStream(fis,pbeCipher); //CipherStream
            InflaterInputStream iis=new InflaterInputStream(cis);       //InflaterInputStream
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(iis, "UTF8"));                //BufferedReader

            int fSize=tempURL.openConnection().getContentLength();      //Catch FileSize


使用 CountingInputStream来自 Apache Commons IO项目:

InputStream fis=tempURL.openStream();
CountingInputStream countStream = new CountingInputStream(fis);
CipherInputStream cis=new CipherInputStream(countStream,pbeCipher);

稍后您可以使用 countStream.getByteCount() 获取文件位置。

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