java - 尝试创建 SQL 数据库时没有合适的驱动程序

标签 java sql jdbc


我正在尝试用这个 Java 程序创建一个新的 SQL 数据库

import java.sql.*; //Needed for JDBC classes

public class BuildPhonebookDB {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    //Create a named constant for the URL
    final String DB_URL = "jdbc:derby:Phonebook;create=true";

    try {
        //Create a connection to the database.
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL);
        //Create a Statement object.
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        //Create the Entries table
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE Entries (" +
                "Name CHAR(20)"+
                "Number INTEGER)"
        System.out.println("Database Connected");
        //Close the connection
    catch(Exception ex) {


找不到适合 jdbc:derby:Phonebook;create=true 的驱动程序

我查看了 Stack Overflow 上其他各种类似的帖子,例如 this one ,但没有帮助。我看过关于驱动程序 jar 的东西,但我不知道这是什么,如果我需要编辑它,有人可以帮助我完成它吗?




Apache Derby

Download Derby Download the binary Apache Derby distribution from the Derby web site at These tutorial instructions use version and assume you downloaded one of the binary distribution files listed in the table below:

Operating System Download File Windows UNIX, Linux, and Mac db-derby- If a more recent release is available, download that, then substitute that version number for in the following instructions.

Install Derby Choose the directory into which you want to install the Derby software. You must have write permissions to this directory. The sample instructions below use C:\Apache for Windows and /opt/Apache for UNIX; be sure to use your actual location. Copy the software distribution to the location you choose, then extract it as shown below.

Windows (use your extraction tool e.g. WinZip -- these instructions use mks unzip):

mkdir C:\Apache copy
> C:\Apache cd C:\Apache unzip


mkdir /opt/Apache cp db-derby- /opt/Apache
> cd /opt/Apache tar xzvf db-derby-

In both cases, the software will now be extracted into a subdirectory named db-derby-

Set DERBY_INSTALL Set the DERBY_INSTALL variable to the location where you installed Derby. Examples are shown below, but be sure to use the actual location on your system:

Windows: C:\> set DERBY_INSTALL=C:\Apache\db-derby-

UNIX Korn Shell:

 $ export
> DERBY_INSTALL=/opt/Apache/db-derby-

Configure Embedded Derby To use Derby in its embedded mode set your CLASSPATH to include the jar files listed below:

derby.jar: contains the Derby engine and the Derby Embedded JDBC driver derbytools.jar: optional, provides the ij tool that is used by a couple of sections in this tutorial You can set your CLASSPATH explicitly with the command shown below:


C:\> set
> CLASSPATH=%DERBY_INSTALL%\lib\derby.jar;%DERBY_INSTALL%\lib\derbytools.jar



$ export
> CLASSPATH=$DERBY_INSTALL/lib/derby.jar:$DERBY_INSTALL/lib/derbytools.jar:.

... Step 3: Embedded Derby

When an application accesses a Derby database using the Embedded Derby JDBC driver, the Derby engine does not run in a separate process, and there are no separate database processes to start up and shut down. Instead, the Derby database engine runs inside the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as the application. So, Derby becomes part of the application just like any other jar file that the application uses. Figure 1 depicts this embedded architecture.

Set the environment

To set up the environment, follow the "Configure Embedded Derby" instructions.

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