Java 通用类测试

标签 java generics binary-search-tree

我正在尝试测试我编写的 Java 泛型类,这是我的测试

public class BSTTest
    public void testInsert()
        int height;
        BST<int> myTree = new BST<int>();


但是当我编译时我得到了意外类型的错误,它说如果找到一个 int 但需要在 BST myTree = new BST(); 行上的引用这是什么意思?


public class BST<E extends Comparable<E>>
    public Node<E> root;

    public BST()
        root = null;
    //insert delete find height
    public void find(E s, Node<E> n)
        //empty tree, root is null
        if(n == null)
            System.out.println("Item not present.");
        //n is the node where s is, return n
        else if(n.getData().equals(s))
            System.out.println("Item present");
        //s is greater than n, look for s on the right subtree
        else if(s.compareTo(n.getData()) > 0)
            find(s, n.getRight());
        //s is less than n, look for s on the left subtree
            find(s, n.getLeft());

    public int height() 
        int count;
        return count = height(root); 

    private int height(Node<E> n)
        int ct = 0;
        if(n == null)



            int left = height(n.getLeft());

            int right = height(n.getRight());

            ct = Math.max(left, right) + 1;
        return ct;

    public void insert(E s) 
        root = insert(s, root);

    private Node<E> insert(E s, Node<E> T)
        //easiest case, empty tree, create new tree
        if(T == null)
            T = new Node<E>(s,null,null);
        //easiest case, found s
        else if(s.compareTo(T.getData()) == 0)
            System.out.println("Item already present.");
        //s is greater than T, insert on right subtree
        else if(s.compareTo(T.getData()) > 0)
            T.setRight(insert(s, T.getRight()));
        //s is less than T, insert on left subtree
        return T;

    public void delete(E d)



public class Node<E> 
       private E data;
    private Node<E> left;
    private Node<E> right;
    private Node<E> parent;

       public  Node(E d, Node<E> r, Node<E> l) 
      data = d;

        left = l;
        right = r; 
       public void setData(E d) 
      data = d;
    public E getData()
        return data;
       public Node<E> getRight() 
      return right;
    public void  setRight(Node<E> nd)
        right = nd;
       public Node<E> getLeft()
        return left;
    public void  setLeft(Node<E> nd)
        left = nd;
    public Node<E> getParent()
        return parent;
    public void  setParent(Node<E> nd)
        parent = nd;


你能试试 Integer 而不是 int 吗?

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