java - 在 java 中使用 "final"关键字

标签 java final


我遇到过 final 关键字,它显然锁定了一个值,因此以后无法更改。但是当我尝试使用它时,变量 x 仍然被更改。我哪里出错了吗?

public class Class {
  // instance variable
  private int x;

  public Class() {
    // initialise instance variables
    final int x = 123;

  public void sampleMethod() {
    // trying to change it using final again
    final int x = 257;

  public void sampleMethod2() {
    // trying to change it using without using final
    x = 999;



public class Class {
  // instance variable  
  private int x; // <-- This variable is NOT final.

  public Class() {
    // initialise instance variables
    final int x = 123; // <-- This is NOT the instance variable x, but rather hiding this.x with a method local variable called 'x'

  public void sampleMethod() {
    // trying to change it using final again
    final int x = 257; // <-- This is NOT the instance variable x, but rather hiding this.x with a method local variable called 'x'
    System.out.println(this.x); // see!

  public void sampleMethod2() {
    // trying to change it using without using final
    x = 999; // This changes this.x, but this.x IS NOT final.


public class ClassWithFinalInstanceVariable {
    private final int x;
    public ClassWithFinalInstanceVariable() {
       this.x = 100; // We can set it here as it has not yet been set.
    public void doesNotCompileIfUncommented() {
       // this.x = 1;
       // If the line above is uncommented then the application would no longer compile.

    public void hidesXWithLocalX() {
       int x = 1;

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