java - Xuggler 的 java 视频解码错误

标签 java xuggler

我正在按照 tutorial 中的代码学习 Xuggler(一个支持 Java 视频流的库)教学how to decode and play video .


线程“main”中的异常 java.lang.RuntimeException:解码视频错误:C:/Users/swnmlab/1.mp4


int bytesDecoded = videoCoder.decodeVideo(picture, packet,offset);

我用debugger step into发现xuggle-xuggler.jar没有源码附件,有没有人遇到过这个问题?

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec.Type;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IPacket;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IPixelFormat;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStream;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStreamCoder;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IVideoPicture;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IVideoResampler;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.Utils;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.demos.VideoImage;

public class DecodeAndPlayVideo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String filename = "C:/Users/swnmlab/1.mp4";

        // Create a Xuggler container object
        IContainer container = IContainer.make();

        // Open up the container
        if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: "
                    + filename);

        // query how many streams the call to open found
        int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();

        // and iterate through the streams to find the first video stream
        int videoStreamId = -1;
        IStreamCoder videoCoder = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) {
            // Find the stream object
            IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
            // Get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;
            IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();

            if (coder.getCodecType() == Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) {
                videoStreamId = i;
                videoCoder = coder;
        if (videoStreamId == -1)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "could not find video stream in container: " + filename);

        if (videoCoder.acquire() < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "could not open video decoder for container: " + filename);

        IVideoResampler resampler = null;
        if (videoCoder.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24) {
            // if this stream is not in BGR24, we're going to need to
            // convert it. The VideoResampler does that for us.
            resampler = IVideoResampler.make(videoCoder.getWidth(),
                    videoCoder.getHeight(), IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24,
                    videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(),
            if (resampler == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("could not create color space "
                        + "resampler for: " + filename);

         * And once we have that, we draw a window on screen

        IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
        while (container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0) {
             * Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our video stream
            if (packet.getStreamIndex() == videoStreamId) {
                IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(
                        videoCoder.getPixelType(), videoCoder.getWidth(),

                int offset = 0;
                while (offset < packet.getSize()) {
                     * Now, we decode the video, checking for any errors.
                    int bytesDecoded = videoCoder.decodeVideo(picture, packet,
                    if (bytesDecoded < 0)
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "got error decoding video in: " + filename);
                    offset += bytesDecoded;

                     * Some decoders will consume data in a packet, but will not
                     * be able to construct a full video picture yet. Therefore
                     * you should always check if you got a complete picture
                     * from the decoder
                    if (picture.isComplete()) {
                        IVideoPicture newPic = picture;
                         * If the resampler is not null, that means we didn't
                         * get the video in BGR24 format and need to convert it
                         * into BGR24 format.
                        if (resampler != null) {
                            // we must resample
                            newPic = IVideoPicture.make(
                                    picture.getWidth(), picture.getHeight());
                            if (resampler.resample(newPic, picture) < 0)
                                throw new RuntimeException(
                                        "could not resample video from: "
                                                + filename);
                        if (newPic.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
                            throw new RuntimeException("could not decode video"
                                    + " as BGR 24 bit data in: " + filename);

                        BufferedImage javaImage = Utils.videoPictureToImage(newPic);

                        // and display it on the Java Swing window

            } else {
                 * This packet isn't part of our video stream, so we just silently drop it.
                do {
                } while (false);



    private static VideoImage mScreen = null;
    private static void updateJavaWindow(BufferedImage javaImage) {

    private static void openJavaWindow() {
        mScreen = new VideoImage();

    private static void closeJavaWindow() {

附言如果你想试用这个库,你可以找到安装文件 here ,然后按照 this page 上的步骤操作在 Windows 上完成此库的安装。


        if ( < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "could not open video decoder for container: " + filename);

        if (videoCoder.acquire() < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "could not open video decoder for container: " + filename);

由于open()方法会导致deprecation warning,所以我用auto complete找了一个类似open()的方法,然后改成了acquire()。我认为这没问题,因为没有抛出“无法打开容器的视频解码器:”异常。所以只需按照示例代码操作即可。


open() 方法已弃用,您应该改用 open(null,null)

if (,null) < 0)
throw new RuntimeException(
        "could not open video decoder for container: "
                + filename);

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