java - 类的公共(public)成员如何在 Java 中造成严重破坏?

标签 java class public

类的公共(public)成员如何在 java 中造成严重破坏?有人可以举例说明吗?我试图创造这样的情况,但没有成功。我只是发现它们等同于“ protected ”访问修饰符。



public class Clock {
    public int hours;
    public int minutes;


Clock clock = new Clock();
clock.hours = 42;
clock.minutes = 99;

使用 setter 和 getter 方法将它们设为私有(private)允许封装以强制执行正确的值。

public class Clock {
    private int hours;
    private int minutes;
    public void setHours(int hours) {
        if (hours < 0 || hours > 23) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad range");
        this.hours = hours;
    // Likewise for "setMinutes" method.

这是一个 tutorial page on encapsulation in Java关于封装的好处。引用:

  • The fields of a class can be made read-only or write-only.

  • A class can have total control over what is stored in its fields.

  • The users of a class do not know how the class stores its data. A class can change the data type of a field, and users of the class do not need to change any of their code.

关于java - 类的公共(public)成员如何在 Java 中造成严重破坏?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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