html - HTML中的三态复选框?

标签 html forms checkbox

没有办法在 HTML 中设置三态检查按钮(是、否、null),对吧?



编辑 — 感谢 Janus Troelsen 的评论,我找到了更好的解决方案:

HTML5 为复选框定义了一个名为 indeterminate


w3c reference guide .要使复选框在视觉上不确定,请将其设置为 true:

element.indeterminate = true;

这里是 Janus Troelsen's fiddle .但请注意:

  • indeterminate 状态不能在 HTML 标记中设置,只能通过 Javascript 来完成(参见 JSfiddle testdetailed article in CSS tricks)

  • 这种状态不会改变复选框的值,它只是一个视觉提示,掩盖了输入的真实状态。

  • 浏览器测试:在 Chrome 22、Firefox 15、Opera 12 和 IE7 中为我工作。关于移动浏览器,Android 2.0 浏览器和 iOS 3.1 上的 Safari mobile 不支持。


Another alternative would be to play with the checkbox transparency for the "some selected" state (as Gmail does used to do in previous versions). It will require some javascript and a CSS class. Here I put a particular example that handles a list with checkable items and a checkbox that allows to select all/none of them. This checkbox shows a "some selected" state when some of the list items are selected.

Given a checkbox with an ID #select_all and several checkboxes with a class .select_one,

The CSS class that fades the "select all" checkbox would be the following:

.some_selected {
    opacity: 0.5;
    filter: alpha(opacity=50);

And the JS code that handles the tri-state of the select all checkbox is the following:

$('#select_all').change (function ()
    //Check/uncheck all the list's checkboxes
    $('.select_one').attr('checked', $(this).is(':checked'));
    //Remove the faded state

$('.select_one').change (function ()
  if ($('.select_one:checked').length == 0)
      $('#select_all').removeClass('some_selected').attr('checked', false);
  else if ($('.select_one:not(:checked)').length == 0)
      $('#select_all').removeClass('some_selected').attr('checked', true);
      $('#select_all').addClass('some_selected').attr('checked', true);

You can try it here:

Hope that helps!

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