java - 用 Java 改变你自己的答案

标签 java random

我目前正在开发 Java 程序。这是一款纸牌游戏,您必须猜测三张牌(4、5 或 6)随机生成的数字。如果您以正确的顺序猜对了数字,您就赢了。如果您第一次没有按正确的顺序猜出这些数字,您可以只重试一张牌。到目前为止,所有这些我都开始工作了,但是当我想更改我的第二个或第三个答案时,我必须输入“2”两次或“3”三次才能更改这些卡片。这是我的代码:

package cardgame;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CardGame {

public static void main(String[] args){

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    int[] guess = new int[3];
    int[] card = new int[3];

    System.out.println("Pick three cards with numbers ranging from 4 to 6!\n");

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
       System.out.print("Card number " + (i+1) + " (4, 5 or 6): ");
       guess[i] = scan.nextInt();
       System.out.println(" ");
       System.out.println("Your hand of cards: " + "[" + guess[0] + "]" + "[" + guess[1] + "]" + "[" + guess[2] + "]");

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
       card[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 3 + 2 +2);

       int count = 0;
       for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
    if (card[i] == guess[i])

    if (count == 3){
       System.out.println("My hand of cards: " + "[" + card[0] + "]" + "[" + card[1] + "]" + "[" + card[2] + "]\n");
       System.out.println("Congratulations, you have won!\nType 'end' to end the game and I will show you my hand of cards.");
       } else{
       System.out.println("Not quite yet there!\n");

    if (count !=3){
       System.out.println("Would you like to change one of your guesses? yes/no");

       System.out.println("\nWhat card would you like to change? 1/2/3");

    if(scan.nextInt() == 1 || scan.nextInt() == 2 || scan.nextInt() == 3){
       System.out.println("\nWhat is your new guess?");
       int secondGuess = scan.nextInt();

    if (secondGuess == card[0] || secondGuess == card[1] || secondGuess == card[2]){

    if (count == 3){
       System.out.println("\nCongratulations, you have won!");
       } else{
       System.out.println("\nI'm sorry, you lost!");
       // Print the 3 random numbers card[0], card[1] and card[2]
       System.out.println("My hand of cards: " + "[" + card[0] + "]" + "[" + card[1] + "]" + "[" + card[2] + "]\n");


Pick three cards with numbers ranging from 4 to 6!

Card number 1 (4, 5 or 6): 4

Card number 2 (4, 5 or 6): 5

Card number 3 (4, 5 or 6): 6

Your hand of cards: [4][5][6]

Not quite yet there!

Would you like to change one of your guesses? yes/no


What card would you like to change? 1/2/3



What is your new guess?


Congratulations, you have won!

My hand of cards: [4][4][6]

如您所见,我必须两次插入两个。另外,我的新猜测是第二名 6 分,要赢得它应该是第二名 4 分。我哪里出错了?我似乎无法修复它。


您在此行中最多调用了 3 次 scan.nextInt:

if(scan.nextInt() == 1 || scan.nextInt() == 2 || scan.nextInt() == 3){


  • 第一个数字是 1:只读取一个数字。
  • 第一个数字不是 1,第二个数字是 2:读取了两个数字。
  • 否则,读取 3 个数字。


int someNumber = scan.nextInt();
if(someNumber  == 1 || someNumber  == 2 || someNumber  == 3){

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