java - 你能解释一下 Java 中装箱和泛型的奇怪行为吗

标签 java generics

根据Java docs以下代码应该会导致编译错误:

import java.util.*;

public class GenericTest1 {

    // Add T-array of objects to collection<T>
    static <T> void fromArrayToCollection(T[] a, Collection<T> c) {
        for (T o : a) {

   public static void main( String[] args ) {
       Number[] na = new Number[100];
       Collection<Number> cn = new ArrayList<Number>();

       // This should work and does
       fromArrayToCollection( na, cn );

       Collection<String> cs = new ArrayList<String>();

       // This should fail to copile and does
       fromArrayToCollection( na, cs );

确实如此: error: method fromArrayToCollection in class GenericTest1 cannot be applied to given types;
       fromArrayToCollection( na, cs );
  required: T[],Collection<T>
  found: Number[],Collection<String>
  reason: inference variable T has incompatible bounds
    equality constraints: String
    lower bounds: Number
  where T is a type-variable:
    T extends Object declared in method <T>fromArrayToCollection(T[],Collection<T>)


public class GenericTest2 {

    // Test for equality of two objects of type T
    static <T> boolean testEquality(T first, T second ) {
        return first.equals( second );

   public static void main( String[] args ) {
       // Should work
       System.out.println( testEquality( "One", "One" ) );

       // Shouldn't this refuse to compile ?
       System.out.println( testEquality( "One", 1 ) );

       // Shouldn't this refuse to compile ?
       Number one = new Integer( 1 );
       System.out.println( testEquality( "One", one ) );






之所以有效,是因为 one ( Number ) 和 "One" ( String ) 都是 Object s,和1一样( Integer 由于 autoboxing )和 "One" (String)。所以T被评估为 Object , equals 被调用并返回 false . 它不适用于 Collection (以及与此相关的其他泛型)because a Collection<String> can not be cast to a Collection<Object>

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