java - 获取在控件的类定义中添加自定义控件的场景的大小

标签 java button javafx controls scene

我有一个涟漪按钮,一旦点击它,就会播放涟漪效果动画。 在按钮的皮肤内部,有一个 Circle,在程序开始执行时,其不透明度设置为 0,单击按钮后,不透明度设置为1 按钮的半径变大。


DoubleBinding circleRippleRadius = new DoubleBinding() {
                bind(heightProperty(), widthProperty()); // Sets the parameters of the bind method.

            @Override // Overrides the computeValue method, which computes the value of the binding.
            protected double computeValue() {
                return Math.max(heightProperty().get(), widthProperty().get()); // Return the greatest of both numbers

我不想使用按钮的 heightPropertywidthProperty 属性,而是想使用添加了按钮的场景的高度和宽度,因为我想单击按钮填满整个屏幕后出现的圆圈。



    private void createRippleEffect(Circle circleRipple) {

            circleRipple.setOpacity(1.0); // Sets the opacity of the circleRipple to 0, since it must not be showed yet.

            /*Fade Transition*/
            FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(RIPPLE_DURATION, circleRipple);
            fadeTransition.setFromValue(1.0); // Sets the opacity to %100
            fadeTransition.setToValue(1.0); // The opacity doesn't change. 

            /*Scale Transition*/
            Timeline scaleRippleTimeline = new Timeline();

            NumberBinding circleRippleRadius = 
                    Bindings.max(Bindings.selectDouble(sceneProperty(), "width"),
                    Bindings.selectDouble(sceneProperty(), "height"));

            circleRippleRadius.addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) -> { // Each time it changes
                KeyValue scaleValue = new KeyValue(circleRipple.radiusProperty(), newValue, Interpolator.EASE_OUT);
                KeyFrame scaleFrame = new KeyFrame(RIPPLE_DURATION, scaleValue);

private void createRippleEffect(Circle circleRipple) {

        circleRipple.setOpacity(1.0); // Sets the opacity of the circleRipple to 0, since it must not be showed yet.

        /*Fade Transition*/
        FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(RIPPLE_DURATION, circleRipple);
        fadeTransition.setFromValue(1.0); // Sets the opacity to %100
        fadeTransition.setToValue(1.0); // The opacity doesn't change. 

        /*Scale Transition*/
        Timeline scaleRippleTimeline = new Timeline();

        NumberBinding circleRippleRadius = 
                Bindings.max(Bindings.selectDouble(sceneProperty(), "width"),
                Bindings.selectDouble(sceneProperty(), "height"));

        circleRippleRadius.addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) -> { // Each time it changes
            KeyValue scaleValue = new KeyValue(circleRipple.radiusProperty(), newValue, Interpolator.EASE_OUT);
            KeyFrame scaleFrame = new KeyFrame(RIPPLE_DURATION, scaleValue);

        SequentialTransition rippleTransition = new SequentialTransition(); // The circle must change its opacity and scale at the same time

        ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();

        getStyleClass().addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends String> c) -> { // Don't pay attention to this. The style changes if
                                                                                         // the CSS file has "toggle" or "flat" inside its list,
                                                                                         // but these are never added so it doesn't matter.
            if (c.getList().indexOf("flat") == -1 && c.getList().indexOf("toggle") == -1) {
                setEffect(new DropShadow(BlurType.GAUSSIAN, Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.30), 5, 0.10, 0, 2));
                parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(rippleTransition); // parallelTransition is basically the same as rippleTransition, since
                                                                           // "toggle" and "flat" are never added to the CSS's list.
            } else {


        this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, event -> {
            parallelTransition.stop(); // In case that the parallelTransition is already running, stop it.
            circleRipple.setOpacity(0.0); // Sets the opacity of the circle to 0, since the animation must play from he beginning.
            circleRipple.setRadius(0.1); // Sets the radius to 0.1 for the same reason as the circle's opacity.
            circleRipple.setCenterX(event.getX()); // The center of the circle is the location in which the mouse was clicked.
            circleRipple.setCenterY(event.getY()); // The center of the circle is the location in which the mouse was clicked.
            parallelTransition.playFromStart(); // Plays the animation.



    public Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
        ButtonSkin buttonSkin = getButtonSkin();
        if (buttonSkin == null) {
            buttonSkin = new ButtonSkin(this);
            Circle circleRipple = new Circle(0.1, RIPPLE_COLOR);
            buttonSkin.getChildren().add(0, circleRipple);

            getStyleClass().add("ripple-button"); // What the CSS does is changing the button's color and text size, nothing important.
        return buttonSkin;


解决方案: circleRippleRadius 的值小于舞台的值的问题可能是由于舞台的大小与场景的大小不同。我以前不知道,现在我知道了。

为了让按钮的圆圈填满整个屏幕,我所要做的就是将舞台的 widthPropertyheightProperty 属性作为参数传递给按钮的构造函数。

在按钮的类中,我为宽度和高度创建了两个 ReadOnlyDoubleProperty 属性,在创建按钮之前它们都是空的;在这种情况下,定义的 ReadOnlyDoubleProperty 属性的值将被作为参数传递的 widthPropertyheightProperty 属性的值覆盖。

完成后,我所要做的就是为每个属性添加一个监听器,并在每次其中一个更改时将 circleRippleRadius 的值更改为属性值中较大的一个。


您不应该扩展 DoubleBinding。相反,您应该从现有的工厂方法创建绑定(bind):

NumberBinding circleRippleRadius =
    Bindings.max(widthProperty(), heightProperty());

// Optional
DoubleExpression circleRippleRadiusAsDouble =

要绑定(bind)到场景属性,您需要使用 Bindings.selectDouble ,它可以处理按钮的初始 null 场景属性:

NumberBinding size =
        Bindings.selectDouble(button.sceneProperty(), "width"),
        Bindings.selectDouble(button.sceneProperty(), "height"));

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