java - 如何在 Android 中通过名称获取图像资源?

标签 java android android-layout android-studio


我想创建一个国家和国旗选择器。我想设置一面旗帜的图像,但我想根据其名称选择该图像。基本上,我正在尝试为 Android 创建一个标志和 ISD 代码选择器,以便我可以使用它在电话号码的用户之前添加一个 ISD 代码。

ImageView img1 = (ImageView)findViewById(;


// India_91 is an image India_91.png,
// suppose if I have USA_1.png as image then i should be able to use
// string "USA_1" to get the related resource and set it as
// BackgroundResource.

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

    long resId = getResourceIdUsingResourceString(arrayOfStrings[position]);
    // I should get the Id of the image
    // resource named as"USA_91"

// This is a utility function outside adapter class
long getResourceIdUsingResourceString(string resourceName) {
    // Here I want to add a code which can check for
    // resource name and then get id of it
    // which can then be used by callee function/block
    // to fetch the correct resource and display it


您正在寻找的缺失部分是 Resources.getIdentifier()。您可以将名称作为字符串传入并获取整数标识符。

Resources | Android Developers


long resId = parent.getResources().getIdentifier(arrayOfStrings[position], "drawable", mApplicationContext.getPackageName());

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