java - 保持 LinkedList 始终排序

标签 java singly-linked-list


import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * This is a copy of the LinkedList class, which has been modified to only
 * accept elements that can be compared.
 * Note that the elements accepted by this list must implement the Comparable
 * interface. This means that the elements can be compared as follows:
 * x.compareTo(y) == 0 means x == y
 * x.compareTo(y) < 0 means x < y
 * x.compareTo(y) > 0 means x > y
 * Your task is to modify this class so that the elements always are sorted.
public class SortedLinkedList<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Iterable<T> {

/* Easy operations for a linked list

add(x): Searching for the place where the element x is to be added must
        take place in the calling routine. This must set previous to
        point to the node AFTER which the new element is to be inserted.
        curr is set to point to the new element.

remove(): The curr element is removed from the list. Searching for this 
          element must take place in the calling routine. This must set 
          curr to point to the element to be removed. After removal curr
          points to the element following the removed one. 

isEmpty(): checks for an empty list

endOfList(): checks whether curr has reached and passed the end of the list 

retrievecurr(): return the info part of the curr element.

reset(): resets the list so that curr points to the first element

succ(): an iterator, moves curr one step forward

Note that when a class implements the interface Iterable<T> then
it can be the target of the "foreach" statement. See

private Node start, curr, prev;

public SortedLinkedList() {

    curr = null;     // the curr position in the list
    start = null;    // the first element
    prev = null;     // the node before curr

public void add(T x) {

    if (start == null) {            // if start == null, insert a first element into an empty list
        Node newNode = new Node();  // create the new element, info and link are set to null. = x;           // and assign the data given as parameter. The link is left as null            
        start = newNode;            // start is updated to point to the new element
        curr = start;               // curr is updated to point to the new first (and only) element

    } else if (prev == null) { // a new first element is inserterd into a non-empty list

        Node newNode = new Node();  // a new node is created ... = x;           // and assigned the data given as parameter = start;       // and linked before the old first element 
        start = newNode;            // start is updated to point to the new first element
        curr = newNode;             // curr is updated to point to the new first element

    } else { // a new element is inserted last (if == null) or between prev and curr

        Node newNode = new Node();  // create a new node = x;           // assign it the data given as parameter =;   // link it before curr ... = newNode;        // ... and after previous
        curr = newNode;             // update curr to point to newNode      

} // add

public void remove() {              // removes the current node

    if (isEmpty() || endOfList()) { // no node to be removed 
    else {                          // curr points to the element to be removed 
        if (prev == null) {         // remove a first element: start is updated!
            start =;     // "jump over" the first element (curr/start)
            curr = start;           // update curr to point to the new start
        else {                      // the element to be removed is in the middle of the list/last
   =;  // "jump over it!"
            curr =;       // curr is updated to the element after the removed one
} // remove

public boolean isEmpty() { // checks if the list is empty
    return start == null;

public T retrieveCurr() { // return the curr element's data

public void reset() { // resets a list so that curr points to the first element

    curr = start;     // curr starts from the beginning of the list 
    prev = null;      // there is no previous element for curr

public boolean endOfList() { // has curr reached and passed the end of the list?

    return curr == null;

public void succ() { // moves curr to the next element

    curr =;       // curr is set to the next node
    if (prev == null) {     // previous must follow; if it was null to begin with ...
        prev = start;       // ... it must now point to start
    else {
        prev =;   // otherwise it is just moved one step forward

public Iterator<T> iterator(){ //Needed to implement the iterable interface
    return new ListIterator();

private class Node {

    T info;
    Node link;

    Node() {
        info = null;
        link = null;

 * An example iterator class to walk through the list from
 * the start to the end. Note the similarity with the methods
 * above. They implement similar functionality, but here it
 * is hidden behind a standard interface.
 * Note the class is private and the implementation of the iterator
 * is therefore not visible outside. 
 * See the java api documentation for more information on 
 * how iterators should behave.
private class ListIterator implements Iterator<T>{

    private Node curr;

    public ListIterator(){

    public boolean hasNext(){
        return curr!=null;

    public T next(){
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return value;
    public void remove(){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();




下面的 add() 方法遍历列表,直到找到合适的位置。然后,它拼接新节点并在适用的地方更新 startprevcurr 指针。

public void add(T x) {
    Node newNode = new Node(); = x;

    // case: start is null; just assign start to the new node and return
    if (start == null) {
        start = newNode;
        curr = start;
        // prev is null, hence not formally assigned here

    // case: new node to be inserted comes before the current start;
    //       in this case, point the new node to start, update pointers, and return
    if (x.compareTo( < 0) { = start;
        start = newNode;
        curr = start;
        // again we leave prev undefined, as it is null

    // otherwise walk down the list until reaching either the end of the list
    // or the first position whose element is greater than the node to be
    // inserted; then insert the node and update the pointers
    prev = start;
    curr = start;
    while (curr != null && x.compareTo( >= 0) {
        prev = curr;
        curr =;

    // splice in the new node and update the curr pointer (prev already correct) =; = newNode;
    curr = newNode;

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