java - 监听多个目录以在 Java 中创建文件

标签 java file jvm nio

我正在使用 inotify nio 包装器来捕获特定目录中的文件创建。好的,我有这个

private final String tmpDir1 = Files.createTempDirectory(null);
private final String tmpDir2 = Files.createTempDirectory(null);

WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault.newWatchService()

Paths.get(tmpDir1).register(watchService, ENTRY_CREATE)
Paths.get(tmpDir2).register(watchService, ENTRY_CREATE)

public String getModifiedFilePath(){
    WatchKey key = ((WatchEvent<Path>) watchService.take())
    //Does p belongs to tmpDir1 or tmpDir2?
    Path p = ((WatchEvent<Path>)(key.pollEvents().iterator().next())).context()
    return //???

如方法文档中所指定 WatchEvent#context

Returns the context for the event. In the case of ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, and ENTRY_MODIFY events the context is a Path that is the relative path between the directory registered with the watch service, and the entry that is created, deleted, or modified.

但是 sun.nio.fs.AbstractWatchKey 包含字段 private final Path dir。但是这个类是包私有(private)的。有没有办法获取 WatchEvent#context 返回的文件所属的目录名?

UPD:为我想观看的每个目录创建 inotify 实例听起来真的很奇怪。



public Path getModifiedFilePath() throws InterruptedException {
    WatchKey key = watchService.take();
    return (Path) key.watchable();

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