java - java中的 float 比较以识别模式

标签 java csv floating-point


如果最低价比开盘价至少小 3 且收盘价在开盘价的 2 以内。

我正在读取以下格式的 CSV 文件中的值,但没有标题:

Open    High    Low     Close
353.4   359.2   347.7   349
351.4   354.08  349.1   353.1
350.1   354     349.3   350.2
352.4   353.28  348.7   349.8
345.7   352.3   345.7   351.5

这些值存储在名为 closePrice、openPrice、lowPrice 的 float 组列表中。我正在计算 这是我编写的代码,用于尝试识别数据中的模式。

    for(int i = 0; i < closePrice.size(); i ++)
        //Difference between opening price and the price low
        float priceDrop = Math.abs(openPrice.get(i) - lowPrice.get(i));
        //Difference between opening price and close price (regardless of positive or negative)
        float closingDiff = Math.abs(openPrice.get(i) - closePrice.get(i));

        float dropTolerance = 3.0f;
        float closingTolerance = 2.0f;

        if( (priceDrop > dropTolerance) || (closingDiff < closingTolerance) )
            System.out.println("price drop = " + priceDrop + " closing diff = " + closingDiff);
            System.out.println("Hangman pattern" + "\n");

所以它应该做的是测试价格是否下跌超过 3,然后收盘价是否在开盘价的 2 以内,但是当我运行程序时,它似乎让一切都绕过了 if 语句。我的输出是:

price drop = 5.6999817 closing diff = 4.399994
Hangman pattern
price drop = 2.2999878 closing diff = 1.7000122
Hangman pattern
price drop = 0.8000183 closing diff = 0.1000061
Hangman pattern



看来您混淆了 AND 运算符和 OR 运算符。


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