java - getExternalStorageDirectory()和getExternalStorageState()的区别

标签 java android android-external-storage

我对 getExternalStorageDirectory ()getExternalStorageState () 之间的区别有点困惑。

对于 getExternalStorageState (),Android 文档说:

public static String getExternalStorageState ()

Gets the current state of the primary "external" storage device. See Also


我会阅读这篇关于“外部”存储是否可用的文章,但它返回一个字符串。那么它是什么字符串呢?如果它是存储路径,那么它与 getExternalStorageDirectory() 有何不同,后者返回被视为“外部”存储的路径?如果不是路径,“状态”是什么?



来自 处的文档(请参阅顶部的常量部分):

String  MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL   getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL if the media was removed before it was unmounted.
String  MEDIA_CHECKING  getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_CHECKING if the media is present and being disk-checked
String  MEDIA_MOUNTED   getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_MOUNTED if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read/write access.
String  MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY     getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read only access.
String  MEDIA_NOFS  getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_NOFS if the media is present but is blank or is using an unsupported filesystem
String  MEDIA_REMOVED   getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_REMOVED if the media is not present.
String  MEDIA_SHARED    getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_SHARED if the media is present not mounted, and shared via USB mass storage.
String  MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE   getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE if the media is present but cannot be mounted.
String  MEDIA_UNMOUNTED     getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_UNMOUNTED if the media is present but not mounted.


getExternalStorageDirectory() 返回设备的路径名。

关于java - getExternalStorageDirectory()和getExternalStorageState()的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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