java - 将类添加到 Collection 时出现 UnsupportedOperationException

标签 java netbeans collections

我正在尝试创建一个 parking 场程序来模拟何时将汽车添加到 parking 场。

我的想法是创建一个汽车类型列表,将汽车添加到固定容量列表 (15) 中。


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException


我使用 netbeans,在此之前,我遇到了源包中无法识别主类的问题。


parking 场类

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class CarPark 
    List<Car> spaces = Arrays.asList( new Car[15] ); //Set max size of list to be 15
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner( );

    public void initialise()
        CarSize  carSize  = null;
        CarValue carValue = null;

        System.out.println("Please enter the registration Number");
        String regNo = scanner.nextLine();

        System.out.println("\nNow the size of the car");
        System.out.println("0 - Small");
        System.out.println("1 - Medium");
        System.out.println("2 - Large");
        int size = scanner.nextInt();
        switch( size )
            case 0: carSize = CarSize.Small;  break;
            case 1: carSize = CarSize.Medium; break;
            case 2: carSize = CarSize.Large;  break;   

        System.out.println("\nFinally the value of the car");
        System.out.println("0 - Loq");
        System.out.println("1 - Medium");
        System.out.println("2 - High");
        int value = scanner.nextInt();
        switch( value )
            case 0: carValue = CarValue.Low;    break;
            case 1: carValue = CarValue.Medium; break;
            case 2: carValue = CarValue.High;   break;   

        addCar(regNo, carSize, carValue);

    //Adds the car to the list
    public void addCar( String regNum, CarSize size, CarValue value  )
        Car car = new Car(regNum, size, value);

    public void showTotalCars()
        System.out.println("Total Cars = " + spaces.size() );


public class Car 
    String RegistrationNumber = "";
    CarSize size = null;
    CarValue value = null;

    public Car( String regNo, CarSize sizeOfCar, CarValue valOfCar )
        RegistrationNumber = regNo;
        size = sizeOfCar;
        value = valOfCar;

    public String toString()
        return "Registration Number = " + RegistrationNumber
                + "\nSize = " +
                + "\nValue = " +;


public enum CarSize 
    Small(0, "For small cars"),
    Medium(1, "For medium cars"),
    Large(2, "For large cars");

    private final int Id;
    private final String description;

    CarSize( int identifier, String descr )
       this.Id = identifier;
       this.description = descr;

    public int getId() 
        return Id;

    public String getDescription() 
        return description;


public enum CarValue 
    Low(0, "For low value cars"),
    Medium(1, "For medium value cars"),
    High(2, "For high value cars");

    private final int Id;
    private final String description;

    CarValue( int identifier, String descr )
        this.Id = identifier;
        this.description = descr;

    public int getId() 
        return Id;

    public String getDescription() 
        return description;





List<Car> spaces = Arrays.asList( new Car[15] );

Array#asList 返回的List 实现不支持添加/删除操作。只需使用 ArrayList 初始化您的列表:

List<Car> spaces = new ArrayList<Car>();

如果你使用的是 Java7+

List<Car> spaces = new ArrayList<>();

My idea is to create a list of type car which adds the car to a list of fixed capactiy (15).

initialise 方法中添加条件,如果 spaces 列表包含特定大小(在本例中为 15),则它不会不可能再添加任何元素。

Plain vanilla Java 不提供这样的 List,您可以在其中定义固定大小的元素。不过,这是由 FixedSizeList 提供的类,可在 Commons Collections Apache Library 获得.


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