java - 通过访问 JButton 数组中的对象出现 NullPointerException

标签 java swing nullpointerexception


所以我创建了一个小贪吃蛇游戏。 在我的构造函数中,我调用了“CreateSnake”函数,它使用 JButtons 创建了一个 Snake。

    private void createSnake()
        snakeButtonx[0] = 100; //Sets the starter position of the snake
        snakeButtony[0] = 150;
        JButton tempButton; //temporary Button for adding button to the Snake

        // Initially the snake has length of 5
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeSnake; i++) 
            snakeButton[i] = new JButton("" + i);
            snakeButton[i].setEnabled(false); // Disable the buttons so you cant click it

            tempButton = snakeButton[i];
            Surface.addSnake(tempButton, i);
            snakeButton[i].setBounds(snakeButtonx[i], snakeButtony[i], 10, 10);
            snakeButtonx[i + 1] = snakeButtonx[i] - 10;
            snakeButtony[i + 1] = snakeButtony[i];

然后我有一个移动函数,通过线程每 100 毫秒调用一次

private void move() 
    snakeButtonx[0] += directionx; //Set the position of the head of the snake
    snakeButtony[0] += directiony;

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeSnake; i++)
        snakeButtonPos[i] = snakeButton[i].getLocation(); //Fills the snakeButtonPos integer with the positions of every Button

    snakeButton[0].setBounds(snakeButtonx[0], snakeButtony[0], 10, 10);

    for (int i = 1; i < sizeSnake; i++) 
        snakeButton[i].setLocation(snakeButtonPos[i - 1]);

所以。到这里,它工作正常。但是每当我想将第六个 JButton 添加到我的 JButton 数组时,我的移动方法中就会出现空指针异常。

private void Grow()
    JButton tempButton = new JButton(); 
    int newIndex = sizeSnake + 1;

    // Add the new Button to the Button Array
    snakeButton[newIndex] = new JButton();

    tempButton = snakeButton[newIndex];
    Surface.addSnake(tempButton, newIndex);

    // Position is irrelevant, cause the position will be fixed at the next call of move()
    snakeButton[newIndex].setBounds(200, 300, 10, 10);

    sizeSnake = sizeSnake + 1;

第六个 JButton 在 Jbutton 数组中,而我在我的 Grow() 函数中。但是在下一次调用 move() 时,不再有索引为 6 的 JButton。

为什么会出现 NullPointerException?哪里错了?

编辑:错误发生在我的 move() 函数的第六个循环之后的这一行:snakeButtonPos[i] = snakeButton[i].getLocation();


Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Snake.move(
    at Source)


public void run() {
    while (true)
        CheckPosition(); //CheckPosition includes Grow() if the snake intersects with an object

        catch (InterruptedException ie) 


Grow() ,尝试更改 int newIndex = sizeSnake + 1;int newIndex = sizeSnake; .由于您的 for循环直到i < sizeSnake , 这意味着最后一个 JButton实际上是snakeButton[sizeSnake - 1] ,而不是 snakeButton[sizeSnake] 处的那个.

关于java - 通过访问 JButton 数组中的对象出现 NullPointerException,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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