python - 单击 : "Got unexpected extra arguments" when passing string

标签 python python-click

import click

@click.argument("namespace", nargs=1)
def process(namespace):

def run():
    for namespace in KEYS.iterkeys():

运行 run('some string') 产生:

错误:得到意外的额外参数 (o m e s t r i n g)

就好像 Click 通过一个字符传递字符串参数一样。打印一个参数显示正确的结果。

PS:KEYS 字典已定义并按预期工作。



def run():
    for namespace in KEYS.iterkeys():
        ctx.invoke(process, namespace=namespace)

来自docs :

Sometimes, it might be interesting to invoke one command from another command. This is a pattern that is generally discouraged with Click, but possible nonetheless. For this, you can use the Context.invoke() or Context.forward() methods.

They work similarly, but the difference is that Context.invoke() merely invokes another command with the arguments you provide as a caller, whereas Context.forward() fills in the arguments from the current command. Both accept the command as the first argument and everything else is passed onwards as you would expect.


cli = click.Group()

@click.option('--count', default=1)
def test(count):
    click.echo('Count: %d' % count)

@click.option('--count', default=1)
def dist(ctx, count):
    ctx.invoke(test, count=42)

And what it looks like:

$ cli dist
Count: 1
Count: 42

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