python - Django 模板 : Why block in included template can't be overwritten by child template?

标签 python django templates include extend

为了更清楚地说明我的问题,假设我有一个包含内容的 include.html 模板:

{% block test_block %}This is include{% endblock %}

我有另一个名为 parent.html 的模板,内容如下:

This is parent

{% include "include.html" %}

现在我创建一个名为 child.html 的模板,它扩展了 parent.html:

{% extends "parent.html" %}
{% block test_block %}This is child{% endblock %}

我的想法是在渲染child.html的时候,child.html中的test_block可以覆盖include.html中的test_block。据我了解,当包含模板时,它会按原样包含。所以在我的例子中,我认为 parent.html 等于:

This is parent

{% block test_block %}This is include{% endblock %}

因此 child.html 应该能够覆盖 test_block。但是好像不能。为什么?有解决方法吗?



来自 django 文档:

The include tag should be considered as an implementation of "render this subtemplate and include the HTML", not as "parse this subtemplate and include its contents as if it were part of the parent". This means that there is no shared state between included templates -- each include is a completely independent rendering process.

解决方法是让子模板扩展 included 模板而不是 including 模板。然后,包含子模板。

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