elasticsearch - Filebeat > Logstash > ElasticSearch - Lumberjack 错误

标签 elasticsearch logstash filebeat

尝试让 Filebeat 与 logstash 一起工作。目前我收到此错误:

2016/11/14 04:54:27.721478 output.go:109: DBG  output worker: publish 2047 events
2016/11/14 04:54:27.756650 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:27.756676 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:28.782729 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:28.782756 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:30.786983 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:30.787017 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:34.808528 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:34.808578 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error


Filebeat v5 和 logstash v5。




这可能是因为您的 logstash 对您的 filebeat 不可见。 请在节拍上启动您的 logstash 作为输入。我已经在端口号 31311 上启动了我的 logstash。

    input {
  beats {
    host => ""
    port => 31311

filebeat.yml 中的配置:ElasticSearch 默认输出。请评论它并取消评论 logstash 输出配置。它应该如下所示。

  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: ["localhost:31311"]

如果您在这两者之间设置了任何身份验证,请小心。 完成此配置后,我能够在 logstash 中看到我的消息,最后在 Kibana 中看到我的消息。希望它能奏效。

关于elasticsearch - Filebeat > Logstash > ElasticSearch - Lumberjack 错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40582638/


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