java - Libgdx/Java : After converting GPS to pixelcoordinates, 路由旋转90°

标签 java android libgdx android-gps

我之前写过关于在我的 libgdx 项目中实现 map 的文章。

我是使用所述谷歌地图的快照来做到这一点的,导入快照的 GPS 范围、route-latlong 值、位置服务(通过接口(interface))和作为 Gdx.files.local 字符串的快照。

希望我现在遇到的最后一个问题是路线顺时针旋转了大约 45 度。否则我的“敌人”会走上完美的道路。我已经知道我必须“翻转”我的 y 轴;在此之前,它被旋转并颠倒过来。


这基本上是创建 Waypoint 数组的代码,在将 GPS 坐标转换为对应于 map 快照的 gps 边界的像素坐标(左下角和右上角 see here ,以及 map 纹理的宽度和高度。

private void convertPathToScreen(double[] gpsRoute){
    for(int i = 0; i<gpsRoute.length; i++){
        if(i % 2 != 0) {
            screenRouteCoordinates[i] = 
            screenRouteCoordinates[i] = 


public int x_GpsToScreenConversion(double x_pointInGpsCoords){
    double percentage = 1 - Math.abs((x_pointInGpsCoords - x_GpsMin) / 
(x_GpsMax - x_GpsMin));
    return  (int)((percentage* Math.abs(mapWidth - mapOrigin)) + mapOrigin);

public int y_GpsToScreenConversion(double y_pointInGpsCoords){
    double percentage = (y_pointInGpsCoords - y_GpsMin) / (y_GpsMax - y_GpsMin);
    return  (int)((percentage* Math.abs(mapHeight - mapOrigin)) + mapOrigin);


private void calculatePathing(){
    angle = (float) (Math.atan2(waypointsToGoal[waypoint].y - getY(), waypointsToGoal[waypoint].x - getX()));
    velocity.set((float) Math.cos(angle) * speed, (float) Math.sin(angle) * speed);

所以问题基本上是:我如何修复干扰游戏的 90° 顺时针旋转?我可以围绕 map 中心(所有敌人走到的地方)旋转阵列的坐标吗?还是这里的转换代码有误?




private void createWaypointArray(){

    //formula requires radians
    double angle = Math.toRadians(90);

    double current_x;
    double current_y;

    // waypointCache.size()-1 gets me the last waypoint, the destination around which I rotate
    double center_x = waypointCache.get(waypointCache.size()-1).x;
    double center_y= waypointCache.get(waypointCache.size()-1).y;

    // Loop through Vector2 Array, rotate the points around destination and save them
    for(int i = 0; i < waypointCache.size()-1; i++){
        current_x = waypointCache.get(i).x;
        current_y = waypointCache.get(i).y;

        waypointCache.get(i).x = (float)((current_x-center_x) * Math.cos(angle) - (current_y-center_y) * Math.sin(angle) + center_x);
        waypointCache.get(i).y = (float)((current_x-center_x) * Math.sin(angle) + (current_y-center_y) * Math.cos(angle) + center_y);

    //  this does work, but also translates the points because it rotates around the 
    //  worldaxis, usable when points lie on normal kartesian axis I guess
    //  waypointCache.get(i).rotate(90);
    this.wayPointArray = waypointCache.toArray(new Vector2[waypointCache.size()]);


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