android - 应用内结算 V3

标签 android in-app-billing

我是 google play 应用内结算的新手,我从 google 下载示例并获得了 TrivialDrive 项目。我只是将 SKU_GAS 更改为 "android.test.purchased" 但在我成功购买燃料后,我得到了结果:

02-27 14:24:40.882: D/TrivialDrive(11805): Consumption finished. Purchase: PurchaseInfo(type:inapp):   
{"packageName":"","orderId":"","productId":"android.test.purchased","developerPayload":"","purchaseTime":0,"purchaseState":0,"purchaseToken":""}, result: IabResult: Successful consume of sku android.test.purchased (response: 0:OK)

我的问题是为什么 purchaseTime = 0 ?什么是 developerPayload?谢谢


您得到 purchaseTime=0,因为您使用的是 android 测试产品:android.test.purchased。关于 developerPayload 这里是 api 解释:

A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an order. You can specify a value for this field when you make a getBuyIntent request.

在这里您可以找到更多信息Android In-App Billing .

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