android - 从 Blobstore 获得 500

标签 android google-app-engine blobstore


  • 我的 android 应用程序将 blob 发送到 Blobstore。
  • 从应用引擎控制台,我可以在 Blob Viewer 中看到我的 blob,所以我知道我的 blob 已保存
  • 但是 Blobstore 不会调用回调 url,而是调用
  • Blobstore 返回 500 到我的 android 应用

所以我无法获取我的数据存储区的 blob 键。

做 http post 的代码 myImage 是一个字节数组:

HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(url);
        MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);
        try {
             reqEntity.addPart("title", new StringBody(title));
        reqEntity.addPart("caption", new StringBody(caption));
            ByteArrayBody myBlob = new ByteArrayBody(myImage, "myImage.png");
            reqEntity.addPart("myBlob", myBlob);
            ByteArrayBody secBlob = new ByteArrayBody(secBlobImage, "secBlobImage.png");
            reqEntity.addPart("secBlob", secBlob);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(postRequest);
            System.out.println("RESPONSE CODE::: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
            System.out.println("REASON CODE::: " + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase());
        } catch (Exception e) {

在 android 发起对 blobstore 的调用后,我从 logCat 得到以下咆哮:

04-30 00:59:15.922: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault(8796): (thUse=4674) NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault()
04-30 00:59:15.922: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - KeeperManager(8796): (thUse=4674) INITIALIZATION of shared resources
04-30 00:59:15.922: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - AndroidContextProviderImpl(8796): (thUse=4674)    currentActivityThread=null
04-30 00:59:15.930: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - GbaSupportIndicatorRequestUpdaterDefault(8796): (thUse=4674) GbaSupportIndicatorRequestUpdaterAbstract()   userHeaderPredefined=Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)
04-30 00:59:15.946: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault(8796): (thUse=4674)    cached value : gbaSupportIsPossible=null
04-30 00:59:15.946: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault(8796): (thUse=4674)    The current context is NOT a context of GBA service.
04-30 00:59:15.946: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - GbaSupportPermissionRequestCheckerImpl(8796): (thUse=4674) isCurrentProcessRequestedGba()#finished   result=false
04-30 00:59:15.946: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - GbaSupportPermissionRequestCheckerImpl(8796): (thUse=4674) isCurrentProcessAllowedToUseGba()#started   result=false
04-30 00:59:15.946: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault(8796): (thUse=4674)    The GBA permission wasn't requested for this process.
04-30 00:59:15.954: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault(8796): (thUse=4674) It is impossible to support GBA now (many possible reasons: no Android Context, current client is GBA service, etc.), then it will be just usual HTTP.
04-30 00:59:15.954: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafRequestExecutorWrapperRedirectionHandler(8796): (thUse=4674)    It isn't GBA flow, redirection responses are not handled.
04-30 00:59:20.688: I/APACHE HTTP (thCr=4674) - NafHttpAuthStrategyDefault(8796): (thUse=4674)    cached value : gbaSupportIsPossible=false
04-30 00:59:20.688: I/System.out(8796): RESPONSE CODE::: 500
04-30 00:59:20.696: I/System.out(8796): REASON CODE::: Internal Server Error


非常感谢@Teshte 和@ShivanRaptor 提出的问题。我假设我的服务器没有被击中。但他们的问题让我意识到确实如此。所以当我查看服务器日志时,我发现在 BlobKey titleKey = blobs.get("title").get(0) 处有一个 java.lang.NullPointerException > 在下面的代码中。 NPE 出现在 android 作为 StringBody 发送的元素上。我还没有想出如何修复 NPE。


public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
        BlobstoreService blobstoreService = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
        Map<String, List<BlobKey>> blobs = blobstoreService.getUploads(req);
        BlobKey titleKey = blobs.get("title").get(0);



我将所有对象作为 ByteArrayBody 发送,而不是将一些对象编码为 StringBody

关于android - 从 Blobstore 获得 500,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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